
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Meal Plans Week of 12-26-10

Whew.  We made it through a crazy, fun week of guests and parties.  We had so much fun seeing everyone (including our little one...great ultrasound!).  And we still have one more party to go today.  It's hard to believe it is the last week of 2010.  This has been a year of ups and downs, surprises and changes to say the least.  God has led us through each challenge and shown us his love, grace and mercy.  We have been very blessed this year.
So, last week was all about keeping up with guests.  This week will be time to relax and spend time as a family.  Plus get a few things done.  We don't have gymnastics or Kindermusik, so we'll have a lot more time than usual.  Today is church, then after lunch we're heading to Grand Blanc to celebrate Christmas with my family.  The rest of the week is pretty open.  Monday we'll be taking it easy and getting the house back in order.  We're also going out to eat.  A nice treat after a week of hosting :)  Tuesday is groceries and milk pick up.  Wednesday we're doing a routine check up on the mini van.  Thursday evening Justin is going out with some guys from church to watch football.  No plans for NYE or New Years Day.  Just stay home and relax :)  Aside from the few things that we have scheduled we are also planning to do some shopping.  We have a long list of things we've been meaning to get for a while.  So hopefully we can tackle a few those this week.  We are also in the process of refinancing our house and hoping to close sometime this week.

I have a lot of ideas in terms of extras I want to do this week.  But we'll see how motivated I am.  I would like to get back into my sewing projects.  Next on the list is pj pants for Rebecca.  So I have to get her measured and then I can get started.  I am also starting to plan some cakes for family birthdays coming up in the next few months.  I want to try a new batch of toothpaste.  I might make a batch of bagels.  I haven't done that in a while, and we all love them.  I got some sprouting lids for Christmas, so I might sprout some wheat berries.  Since I will be making quite a few cakes in the coming months I might experiment this week with making a healthier version and some homemade frosting.  I also have to bake something for our Kindermusik family party next week.  I haven't figured out what yet.  I might do it this week or might wait for next week (or just use up leftover Christmas goodies :P).  And of course I need to do some more cleaning after having people over all week.  And organize Rebecca's toys after getting a lot of fun new stuff for Christmas.

I also updated my toothpaste post.  Some good and bad updates.

That should keep me plenty busy in my "week off" :)  We're looking forward to a week with Justin home and spending lots of time together.  And some healthy food after a week of parties :)  Here's what's on the menu.
S (church, GB)
  B - yogurt, leftover roasted veggies, avocado (me), granola bar, yogurt, fruit (Justin)
  L (quick and easy) - ham sandwiches, leftover roasted veggies , chips, fruit
  D - Holleboom family Christmas party (I'm bringing banana bread, brownies, Christmas cookies and gingerbread cookies)

M (unpack, clean, soak wheat berries, cake design, soak pancakes)
  B - raisin bread w/ butter, roasted veggies, avocado, yogurt (me), banana bread, raisin bread, fruit (Justin)
  D - out to eat - Marie Catrib's

T (sprout wheat berries, make toothpaste, make pancakes, Meijer, milk, chop fruit, dry wheat berries)
  B - banana bread and raisin bread w/ butter, pineapple, grapes (me), Mickey Mouse pancakes w/ butter and maple syrup (Justin and Rebecca)
  D - spaghetti, corn

W (make kefir, prep smoothies, car check, shopping, measure Rebecca)
  B - pineapple, buleberry, banana avocado kefir smoothies
  D - chicken nuggets, sweet potato fries, peas

 Th (make bagels, clean, shopping, make graham crackers, BW3)
  B - bagels, fruit, veggiescrackers w/ salmon spread, avocado, peas corn (me), pancakes w/ syrup (Justin)
  D - salmon cakes, baked potato wedges, roasted veggies baked potatoes w/ leftover meat sauce, cheese, broccoli

F (bake cake, make frosting, clean, make pizza dough, house closing, make pizza sauce)
  B - yogurt, crispy nuts, avocado (me), bagel w/ cream cheese, pineapple (Justin)
  D - sourdough ham and veggie pizza, peas, corn

 S (Happy New Year!!, prep smoothies, laundry, bake cookies)
  B - blueberry, cherry, strawberry, watermelon kefir smoothie
  D - leftover pizza and veggies


  1. Thanks so much for hosting yesterday! We all had a great time! I forgot to ask you last night if you were staying over tonight, or not... though I was assuming you probably wouldn't (I wouldn't if I were you after having guests all week). :) Enjoy your week of family time! We are hoping to enjoy ours... and are praying hard for a miracle so Kevin keeps his job... not sure if you heard much last night about it, but its not good...

  2. Kevin did tell us a little bit. I'll be praying that all goes well.

    Looking forward to seeing you guys today. I just hope I feel ok. Not having a very good morning. This week has definitely been rough on my tummy w/ stress/nerves.
