
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Barbeque Sauce

I decided to make ribs for Sunday dinner today.  So I needed some bbq sauce.  I went with Laura's recipe.  It sounded quick and easy.  It is!  And it's good.  But I modified it just a bit.  The main thing is that I added some vinegar.  It's hard to make good bbq sauce without adding vinegar I think.  Basically bbq sauce needs some kind of tomato base, a sweetener and vinegar.  I've made similar bbq sauce in the past.  I'll probably play with the recipe a bit to get it just the way we like it.
Barbeque Sauce

3/4 cup ketchup
2 Tbsp. minced onion (I didn't add this much...and I might leave it out next time)
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. liquid smoke
1 Tbsp. molasses, honey or sucanat (I added some of each!  And more than 1 Tbsp. total.  We like it sweeter.)
1 tsp. vinegar (white or apple cider...this is my addition)

Mix ingredients in a small sauce pan. Simmer for a few minutes until flavors are blended.


  1. This is my favorite BBQ Sauce! I love this recipe. We leave out the minced onion and add some onion powder instead! Delish!

  2. I always thought it was a strange recipe w/out vinegar, too. I have had this on my list of things to try for awhile, too. We don't use BBQ sauce often enough, though.

  3. We don't use bbq sauce often either. But I just made one batch and used it all on the ribs that day. I actually could have used more.
