
Monday, January 10, 2011

Chocolate Ice Cream...Homemade Frosty

I've made homemade ice cream quite a few times now.  Especially now that we have raw milk and good cream (that I don't have to pay an arm and a leg for).  But I've never tried chocolate.  So yesterday afternoon I experimented and came up with a recipe.  I didn't make a huge batch since I didn't have a full 3 cups of cream, but Rebecca really wanted to make ice cream :P  So we used what we had.  I'll try to adjust quantities for a full recipe.  It turned out really well!  I intentionally didn't make it super chocolatey.  It's kind of a light chocolate...and tastes just like a Wendy's Frosty :)  All 3 of us love it.  I used cocoa and chocolate extract for the chocolate flavor.  You could probably use carob in place of the cocoa...and adjust the extract to get the flavor you like.
Chocolate Ice Cream (Healthy Frosty)

3 egg yolks
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 - 2 Tbsp. cocoa or carob powder
2 tsp. chocolate extract (adjust to your taste)
1 Tbsp. arrowroot
3 cups heavy cream, not ultrapasteurized, preferably raw

Beat egg yolks in 4 cup measuring cup.  Mix in arrowroot until lumps are gone.  Whisk in remaining ingrdients.  Pour into an ice cream maker and process according to instructions (about 15 - 20 min. in my Kitchen Aid ice cream maker attachment). Transfer to a shallow plastic container, cover and store in freezer.

This is awesome served immediately.  It's like soft serve/like a Frosty.  It's great after it's been in the freezer for a while too.


  1. Yuuuummmy! This looks and sounds so good! I love Wendy's Frosties. Haven't had one in ages... I may have to make this and some homemade french fries to dip in it soon... :)

  2. That is a good combo! We actually had homemade fries last night and some leftover today. It was tempting :P
