
Monday, January 31, 2011

End of Month Recap - January 2011

Wow, the end of January already.  It went by quickly, but it was quite productive.  And I've been doing well sticking to my monthly and year long goals.  It really helps to write them down and be able to look at them often.  Here's how things went:

1. Eating for pregnancy, specifically the 2nd trimester - check

2. Reduce grains - try to make almost all breakfasts and lunches grain free - check.

3. Smoothies - I am going to try to get back into the habit of making them more often (I ususally do them about once a week right now) to have for breakfasts, lunches or snacks - check.  I even had a smoothie every day for a whole week.

4. New recipes - make at least one new recipe from one of my Barefoot Contessa cookbooks - I made 2 new recipes - muesli and blue cheese burgers

5. Cooking/baking - I did pretty well here.  I did make bagels and 3 kinds of bread.  I also finally tried making cake using palm shortening (awesome!) and decorated a cake for my grandma's birthday.  Still no time to try making yogurt.  Some day :)

6. Use at least 2 meals from the freezer - check.  I used up most of the freezer meals I had on hand.


1. Healthy lifestyle series - phytates, nuts - check.
2. EFT - review how to do it and try to do it 3x a week - check.
3. Get up 20 min. later on Saturdays - so far so good.  I've gotten up 40 min., 50 min. and 1 hour later some days.  Baby steps.
4. Kegels - I already have a very week/overactive bladder. And pregnancy doesn't really help :P I need to get into the habit of doing kegels regularly - I've been remembering once in a while.  Still need to work on it.


1. Sewing - pj pants for Rebecca - check.
2. Be creative - design cake for nephew's birthday - make sketches/practice drawing characters - check.
3. Activities and Outings - check.

a. Kindermusik
b. nursery cmt (meeting Jan. 17, nursery duty Jan. 9)
c. Little Lambs (helping Jan. 23 and 30)
d. MOPS (meetings Jan. 7 and 21)
e. Justin gone to New York for a week.
f. Gymnastics
g. Calvin basketball games - Jan. 8 and 22, have family over after the games
h. OB appt. - Jan. 19 - glucose tolerance test

4. Rebecca - some things to do with Rebecca this month - check.

a. Keep working on potty training.
b. Keep working on letters, numbers, spelling/sounds, counting, math, etc.
c. Teach her a little more about babies.
d. Keep working on her new room - organize toys, clean closet, furnish.
e. Switch from crib to toddler bed - this went very smoothly thankfully.

5. Organize: kitchen, living room (toys), Rebecca's new room (set up dresser, clean closet, organize toys, hang posts, use new bedding) - I did do the kitchen.  I've started working on Rebecca's room, but I'm still waiting on her new dresser.

6. Decide on/shop for nursery deco. I actually bought a blanket a couple days ago that might set the tone for the room. I just have to do a little more searching and make sure it's what I want to go with. The goal is to reuse most of the stuff we used for Rebecca, but make it a little different. It will of course be gender neutral again. But still cute :) - Didn't have time to do any shopping.  But I do have a better idea of what I want now.

7. Memorize scripture - 2 Corinthians 5: 16 - 20 - I wasn't very good about this.  I memorized about half of it.  But I did read it quite often.  A great verse for sure.

January has come and gone.  God has blessed me in many ways in just a few weeks.  I'm looking forward to what February will bring.

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