
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Meal Plans Week of 3-6-11

Phew, got my week planned just in time.  Justin didn't finalize his schedule for this week until a couple days ago, so I was on hold.  He'll be in training again this week.  Thankfully it's in GR, but his schedule will still be different than usual.  So we will be eating most meals separately this week.  Tough to plan around that.  Our weekend is still uncertain too.  Still waiting to hear about potential plans.  Just one of those weeks.

Last week was quite productive.  The main thing...we finally got Rebecca's dresser!!!  So yesterday we spent a lot of time upstairs moving clothes, putting up decorations, cleaning, etc.  I feel like we're finally making some good progress on getting things ready.  Unfortunately the dresser has a big crack in the side.  But we can't wait another 2 months for a new one.  So we'll probably have somene come look at it and see if they can repair it.  Else repair it ourselves.  Either way, it's staying.  And maybe by the end of this week Rebecca will be in her new room.  And we can finish setting up the nursery.  We are also making good progress on finishing the basement bathroom.  We have the tile picked out.  We basically just have to set up dates for all of the labor.  So hopefully in a few weeks the bathroom project will be done as well.  I had a good OB appt. and have now passed the 30 week mark!  Only 9 weeks to go.  Exciting and scary.  I also got a good start on Rebecca's princess dress.  We'll see if I have time to finish it this week.

In the kitchen I tackled both of my homemade goody projects - scotcheroos and cherry bars (recipe to come).  Both were a big success.  We'll see if I have time yet this month to try a grain free version of the scotcheroos.  I also made grain free granola, fermented punch, cream cheese, kefir, crispy sunflower seeds, crispy pistachios, crispy cashews, crispy brazil nuts, sourdough muffins, a batch of burritos for the freezer and toothpaste.  I have a batch of sprouted wheat berries drying in the oven right now.  I started working on cake decoration, experimenting with gum paste.  So glad I started working on cake stuff this week.  I realized that my original plan for Rebecca's birthday cake was not going to work.  So I totally changed my plans (very excited about what I came up with instead).  And I changed my plans for my birthday cake.  I'll be using it to experiment with decorations for Rebecca's cake.  So my cake will be a bit princessy :)  Finally, in food news I decided to adjust my grain goals for this month.  I'm hoping it will make a big difference.  Especially as the baby takes up more and more space.  My ribs are starting to feel bruised.  So any help I can get in the gut department is good :P

We had a MOPS meeting on Friday.  There are a few women that might be interested in forming a raw milk pick up group if we decide to get shareds at Grassfields.  I have to gather info first.  We'll see where that goes.

Ok, on to this week.  Today is church.  Justin has training Monday - Thursday.  He'll be leaving early some days and late some days.  His breakfast schedule will change every day, so I've planned easy breakfasts that he can eat any time, with no prep.  He'll be going out for dinner most nights.  So we probably won't see much of him.  Monday is Harvest Health and gymnastics.  We also have the tile guy coming to take measurements.  Tuesday is Anna's Circle.  Wednesday is Kindermusik and Meijer.  Thursday - Saturday there is a huge 2nd hand sale in GR.  I'm hoping to go right away Thursday to see what they have for large baby items (like swings and strollers).  For once we have a free Friday.  Saturday is still TBD.  There is a chance we could have tickets to a show.  Else we had thought about taking a mini vacation (but that's not likely this weekend anymore).  Or we might just do a fun family activity like a museum or go see the butterflies at FM Gardens.  We'll see.  It will probably be my birthday "celebration" day.  So we'll have some cake and ice cream :)  And of course set the clocks ahead!  My "favorite" thing to do :\

Plenty of work at home this week.  I want to keep going on Rebecca's dress.  And I need to keep working on her party plans and get invitations sent out.  Thankfully I was able to get a good portion of the party supplies, etc. last week.  We need to keep working on both Rebecca's room and the nursery.  Right now I'm waiting for her room/dresser to air out before I can put her clothes away.  After that we should be about ready to move her in.  In the kitchen I want to make mayo, grind more sprouted wheat flour, make grain free muesli, possibly make oat free breakfast cookies, make frosting and cake decorations, decorate the cake, make deoderant and get another meal in the freezer.

Busy, busy, busy.  But we're making good progress.  I'm still experimenting with gluten free, grain free, etc.  I'm trying to be much more concious of how I feel on days I eat what.  Having my meals written out here helps keep track too.  Hopefully I can figure this out.  I had pizza last night (with sprouted crust for me).  So we'll see what this afternoon brings.  It's all trial and error.  Here's what's on the menu.
S (prep lunch, sewing, church, nursery, freeze roast/veggie meals, freeze beef broth/bones/beef for Thursday, room/nursery cleaning/set up, make mayo, grind flour, prep muesli)
  B - breakfast sausage, roasted veggies (me), applesauce pancakes or cherry bar (Justin)
  L - english roast in crockpot w/ potatoes, carrots and onions (separate veggies for me)
  D - popcorn, leftover pizza, peas
  Pizza Verdict...N-O!  Just doesn't work, even sprouted.  Now I suffer through the aftermath.

M (boil eggs, sewing, HH, gymnasitcs, put away laundry, soak almonds and peanuts) - grain free day
  B - (separate) - grain free muesli w/ milk (homemade granola and/or puffed rice mixed in for Justin)
  D - egg salad, broccoli, chickpeas, Justin out to eat

T (prep smoothies, sewing, AC, soak breakfast cookies, dry nuts, organize closets) - grain free day
  B - pineapple blueberry avocado kefir smoothies
  D - grain free salmon cakes, peas, corn, Justin out for dinner, corn dog muffins (from freezer) (Justin)

W (cake deco, make hot fudge, make kefir, sewing,  make breakfast cookies w/o oats, KM, Meijer, make cheese crackers, make honey roasted nuts) - grain free day
  B - (separate) - grain free muesli w/ strawberries and milk (me), pb banana bread, pineapple (Justin)
  D - salad w/hard boiled egg, avocado, chick peas, cheese homemade dressing, Justin out for dinner

Th (make frosting, sewing, JBF sale, soak beans, make fermented punch)grain free day
  B yogurt/kefir w/ grain free muesli and strawberries (me), pb banana bread, pineapple (Justin)
  D - beef vegetable soup, cheese crackers

F (cook beans, clean, crumb coat cake, make whey/cream cheese, make black bean brownies, make ice cream cake, frost cake, make deoderant, make bean paste) - grain free day
  B - leftover beef veggie soup (me), fried egg, toast (Justin)
  D - steak, baked potato, broccoli

S (make black bean brownies, decorate cake, laundry, Disney princess on ice, change clocks)
  B - yogurt/kefir, grain free muesli, bean paste (me), cherry bar, fruit (Justin)
  D - baked egg puffs, sausage links, squash, peas, banana bread; birthday cake and ice cream


  1. That's a bummer that you guys aren't doing the night away! Are you going to try for another weekend? Hopefully you guys can fit it in, and if not hopefully you don't end up regretting it later. I just know you were all looking forward to it. Bummer! Hopefully the princess thing comes through! Then maybe you wouldn't regret it later.

    The meals look great! Hopefully the pizza doesn't have adverse effects on you. Do beans seem to have any impact?

  2. Not sure we'll have time for a mini vacation. But we'll see.

    By beans do you mean like pinto, etc.? I do fine with most beans. Black beans and kidney are the toughest on my tummy. I tend to avoid black beans for the most part. I try not to give them to Rebecca either. Not sure what it is about the black beans but we both don't handle them well. I usually replace them with another kind in recipes that use them. I eat tons of canellini, pinto and garbanzo beans. Bring on the fiber :)
