
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meal Plans Week of 11-11-12

Another new week.  Another adventure :)  That's my life.  Last week our (mostly unplanned) adventures included a trip to the ped (checking for infection for Abram...negative), a day off of school (sad loss at Rebecca's school), roofers coming unexpectedly (at our house when I came home from grocery shopping...made nap time very interesting and stressful...two days of loud roof work), another trip to the dentist (no need to pull teeth!!), time with my mom on Friday (play time, dinner and Justin's and my first "date" in 18 months!!...going to Bible study for a couple hours) and more time with my mom on Saturday (shopping for Christmas ornaments, Build-A-Bear and dinner out).  What a crazy unplanned week.
In my "spare" time I managed to make yogurt, pesto, smoothies, soaked grahams, cornbread, tapioca pudding, bread pudding, baked/pureed pumpkin and banana bread.
This week...well, it's pretty packed.  This morning we'll be picking up my mom and my grandma and heading to the hospital to visit my grandpa (recovering from surgery).  Monday we have milk pick up, school and a check up for Abram at the ped (no infection last week but still not sure if anything is going on or least we've figured out part of his problem is major teething - 2 year molars).  Tuesday we have Kindermusik and an evaluation for Rebecca at Family Tree Therapy.  Wednesday is school.  Thursday we are going to take a trip to the Children's Museum to play and have a picnic dinner (Rebecca's request :).  Friday we have Mom Break and school.  Saturday I might try to make a trip to Heffron Farms (finally).  I think that should keep us plenty busy.  I'm not sure when my mom is heading home or if we'll be seeing her more this week.

For meals Rebecca and I decided to do a fun food week/week at Rebecca's restaurant.  She helped pick out almost all of our meals.  We're even having ice cream cones for one meal!...we made homemade cones yesterday and have plenty of homemade ice cream in the freezer :)  It should be fun.

Some weeks I have so many things I want to do in the kitchen.  This week I don't have too many plans.  Maybe that means I can keep working on my sewing projects.  I managed to do one morning of sewing last week.  I do think we'll make a batch of ice cream this week and maybe use it to make ice cream sandwiches.  I just baked a bunch of pumpkin yesterday so now I want to make a pumpkin pie.  I might do it this week or wait until next week (for Thanksgiving).  We could also make vanilla wafers, graham crackers and pretzels.  It just depends what Rebecca is in the mood for.  Maybe Abram will want to help bake too.  Rebecca told me her "recipe" for an ice cream pie yesterday.  We might have to give it a try if I can make sense of it.

Not much update on me.  Same old, same old.  Trying to figure things out.  I had so many phone calls and doctor appts. to make for the kids last week that I didn't have time to call the new doctor for myself.  Hopefully this week I can do that to set up an appt.

On to the menu.  I think for breakfasts this week I'm just going to have a list of potentials and pick as the week goes on.  For take it out Tuesday I'm going for sugar.  I think I'll allow fruit and honey, but nothing else.

Breakfast options - flavored yogurt, milkshakes, smoothies, custard, banana bread, granola bars, fruit, dinner leftovers, cornbread w/ butter and honey or syrup.
S (prep smoothies, make kefir, visit Grandparents, make pretzels) (sick kid)
  L - ice cream cones, misc. veggies
  D - pumpkin soup (me), buttered noodles, broth, broccoli pretzels

M (strain kefir, prep dinner, clean, milk, PS, shopping, ped)
  D - (easy prep) - mac 'n' cheese, carrots

TioT - sugar (prep squash, skim cream, make sc, clean, KM, FT, soak beans)
  D - (easy prep) - ham and olive mini pizza toast (w/ squash crust), beans

W (cook beans, make caramel, make ice cream, PS)
  D - split pea soup w/ ham, corn free corn bread (experiment #2)

Th (GRCM, make cookies, pack lunch, baking - holiday oreos,
  L - (picnic lunch) - ham and cheese sandwich, olives, dried fruit, yogurt
  D - "tuna cakes with salmon sticks", broccoli

F (chop veggies, MB, PS)
  D - chicken nuggets w/ homemade honey mustard, roasted cauliflower

S (HF, make pumpkin pie?)
  D - TBD


  1. Hope you have a good week this week, Mary! I heard Rebecca threw up yesterday - I hope/prayed it was a fluke thing and not the flu!! :(

    Your Grandpa got to see all the Holleboom siblings yesterday then. I'm sure that made him feel good and loved. I hope he gets that tube out today so he can start moving around and hopefully feeling a little better.

  2. No, she didn't puke. She just felt like it. She had chills, fever, nausea. But no puking (thankfully). I gave her Tylenol and in about a half hour she was feeling better and back to her normal self. But she was up a couple times in the night with nausea. I'm sure it is a mild case of the flu. Abram just got over it (for him so far it's just been a fever/fussiness both times...he's got a better immune system than Rebecca and I do :P) My only fear is that I'll get it. I can't get sick like I did last time this week. Makes me very nervous. I'm just trying to keep drinking broth and keep plugging along. Trying to not get run down but it's tough when I'm up 4x in the night with the kids. Although I can't say my tummy feels great this morning :( Fingers crossed.

    Grandpa looked pretty good to me. He said he was supposed to start liquids today. I hope so! Glad everyone could come out.
