
Friday, November 16, 2012

Sea Salt Caramel Cheesecake Ice Cream

I make ice cream all the time.  I make all different flavors.  I don't post recipes very often because I just mix and taste as I go.

This week I made sea salt caramel cheesecake ice cream.  It was divine.  So here is the "recipe."  In other words, I'll try to guess how much of each ingredient I added :)

This recipe does take some prep work since you need caramel and graham crackers.  But the end result is worth it.

I didn't take a picture until last night...just a quick shot of the ice cream container.  Trust me, it tastes much better than it looks.

This post is linked to Fat Tuesday and Real Food Wednesday.
Sea Salt Caramel Cheesecake Ice Cream

1/2 cup salted caramel (divided)
1 cup graham cracker pieces (whole wheat, soaked or sourdough)
3 cups heavy cream (preferably raw)
4-5 egg yolks
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 tsp. sea salt

Blend cream, egg yolks, honey, syrup, salt and 1/4 cup caramel.  Taste for sweetness/caramel flavor and add more honey, maple syrup or caramel if necessary.  It should be a little overly sweet.

Process in an ice cream maker.  One minute before the ice cream is done add the graham cracker pieces.

Transfer the ice cream to a shallow freezer safe container.  Gently swirl in dollops of the remaining 1/4 cup caramel (so it is still visible/not mixed in).*  Freeze until solid.

*You can also add fudge swirls, chocolate chips and/or chopped crispy nuts for turtle cheesecake ice cream.  Or you can freeze chunks of homemade cheesecake and add them as well.


  1. This sounds delish! Where does the cheesecake flavor come in? Just from the grahams? I expected to see yogurt cheese in the ingredient list.

  2. I just called it cheesecake b/c of the graham cracker "crust" and the way it is sweetened tastes a lot like cheesecake.
