
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Meal Plans Week of 12-23-12

Merry Christmas!!  Let the celebrations begin.  It feels like we already started since we spent yesterday with my family celebrating my BIL's 40th birthday.  We'll be back there in two days to celebrate Jesus' birthday.
Happy 40th Jason!
Last week was a bit crazy.  I had a ton of stuff to get done.  Somehow I managed to do most of it.  We also had a couple important doctor appointments.  Unfortunately I had to reschedule mine.  So it'll be this week instead.
Rebecca's school Christmas party
I had plenty of Christmas prep to accomplish.  Over the course of the week I made chocolate covered pretzels, caramels, homemade chocolates, hot fudge, peppermint stick ice cream, Christmas cookies, banana bread, yogurt, kefir and yeast free bread.  I also FINALLY finished my sewing project (pictures to come after we open gifts :).  And I did some much needed cleaning around the house (bathrooms, linens, kitchen, etc.).  My helpful husband also got some of the gift wrapping done.  Hopefully we can finish it today.

We had a great appointment for Rebecca with a new specialist last week.  We'll be seeing her again in January.  And we got great updates from her teachers about how well she's doing in school.  We also had another session with the speech therapist.  Now we need to keep up with the exercises at home.
Rare display of sibling love :)
This week will be busy with the start of our Christmas festivities (there will be more next week too).  We will be celebrating as a family and with my family.  We will also be seeing some of my extended relatives at some point this week.  We have milk pick up, some errands and my doctor's appt. as well.  Plus preparing for visiting more family next week.

I think we are about done with our Christmas baking projects.  I do have to make one or two more things for my grandparents (they are getting edible gifts this year :).  I already made a batch of granola this morning.  I had intended to make a new batch of oreos, but we'll see if there is time.  I am getting low on soaked graham crackers and golden grahams.  So maybe I'll try to squeeze those in as well.
Anything works as a teether.  Molars are a pain.
No big updates on me.  Hopefully I'll have more direction after I see this new doctor.  The past week was a little all over the place because of hormone fluctuations with Abram nursing a ton and then not much.  It really impacts my mood and my weight.  Plus I know the stress/anxiety of Christmas parties and travel is already impacting me.  I'll be glad to get to January and back to a normal routine :)

On to the menu.  I don't have all of the breakfasts and lunches planned out yet.  I'll fill the rest in as the week goes on.  I often don't figure it out until the night before.  I'm trying to really listen to my body and what it's craving/what it's lacking.  So I usually wait until the night before to figure out my breakfast when I have a better idea of what I need.  Sometimes I'm really craving salty foods sometimes sweet.  So I go with what my body tells me.

This could be a week of stress, recovery and start over again.  Yesterday was stress.  Today is recovery (I've had so many great mornings/days after a day of travel it's back to all tensed up).  I'm going to do my best to eat well and take time for myself.  And try to enjoy the festivities and the real reason we celebrate.  Happy Birthday Jesus!  Merry Christmas everyone!
S (prep dinner, make gifts, church, wrap presents, prep smoothiesj)
  B - banana bread, yogurt (J), yogurt, golden grahams, avocado (M)
  L - cp chicken and broccoli over couscous
  D - stove top mac 'n' cheese w/ hot dogs, sauteed brussels sprouts, applesauce

M (bake brownies, make hot fudge, milk, celebrate Christmas, pack for Tuesday, VanH Christmas)
  B - banana bread, mixed berry yogurt (J), sauteed broccoli, cauliflower, beets, cucubmer, soaked graham crackers (M)
  L - leftover chicken and broccoli w/ couscous
  D - ham, scalloped potatoes, roasted brussels sprouts and cauliflower, applesauce
  Dessert - peppermint stick ice cream w/ hot fudge
D - (light/early) - cheeseburger nuggets, peas, chips, applesauce

T (make fruit salad, pack, church, Holleboom family Christmas)
  B - yogurt, granola, fruit (J), yogurt, golden grahams, avocado (M)
  L - (quick/light) - leftover mac 'n' cheese, broccoli (J), broccoli, peas, cheeseburger nugget (M)
  D - w/ family - bringing fruit salad, hot fudge and brownies

W (clean, Dr. A.)
  B - toast w/ pb, fruit salad (J), yogurt w/ brownie, sauteed brussels sprouts and avocado (M)
  L - cheeseburger nuggets, chips, fruit (J), sugar snap peas, TBD (M)
  D - salmon cakes, tator tots, peas

Th (bake bread, soak flour, Meijer, bank)
  B - scrambled eggs, toast (J), (M)
  L - lasagna (J), leftover salmon cakes and veggies (M)
  D - split pea soup w/ ham, TBD sweet bread

F (make graham crackers, golden grahams)
  B - TBD
  L - leftover pea soup
  D - sweet bread french toast, roasted veggies, fruit

S (bake yeast free bread, bake brownies)
  B - leftover french toast (J),  (M)
  L - TBD
  D - grilled cheese w/ ham, broccoli, chips, fruit


  1. It was so good to see you guys yesterday!! I'm so glad we had some time to visit before the party... Although there is still so much I was hoping to talk to you about. :) Hopefully you don't have too long a period of recovery... You seemed really relaxed yesterday. And hopefully you don't get too stressed/anxious about all the travel coming up.

    What kind of edible gifts are you making for your grandparents? I had the same idea, lol! Only I am thinking some frozen dinners that they can just pull out, thaw, and bake. I was thinking meatloaf, lasagna, and chicken divan. But I haven't made them all yet, just a meatloaf so far.

  2. We were very happy to see you guys as well. I just wish it wasn't so tough on my body. Even just the sitting for so long has an impact. I was also cold all day and tensed up from that. Trying to relax today. My body doesn't want to cooperate :(

    I was thinking more snacky kind of things. I already made granola and I might make sugar free cookies today. Not sure what else/if anything else. I was debating about meals too. Just depends what day we see them/how much time I have. If I don't have time to make much now I'll give them an IOU for us to bring dinner sometime after the holidays. Don't worry about duplicates :)

    We might try to join in on Marcia's party with them. Just for a short visit if it works out with timing. So we can still be part of a celebration even if we won't get to be with the rest of you guys now. But I still have to find out when they are doing it...tomorrow I think?

    See you again in a couple days.
