
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Meal Plans Week of 12-9-12

Somebody tell December to slow down!  I've got too much to do before Christmas and the time is just flying by.  Last week already seems like a blur.  I did get a lot accomplished, though.  And we even had our first date night in 19 months.  What a treat.  Hopefully we won't wait that long before the next one :P

Last week I made a new batch of homemade golden grahams.  I might have to make a new batch this week.  They were such a hit that they are just about gone.  I also made some progress on my sewing projects.  I just might finish them before Christmas.

This week will be quite busy.  We have our church Christmas program.  I can't wait to see Rebecca dressed up like a little angel :)  It's our week to pick up  milk.  I might go to a West MI bloggers meet up Tuesday night.  We have our first session with a speech pathologist this week.  And I might go to a seminar at the office where we go for SP.  There is also an event with one of Justin's co-workers this weekend - a big train display.  We might stop by that.

My to-do list seems to be ever expanding with Christmas quickly approaching.  I still have quite a few Christmas presents to buy.  At least I managed to do all of the shopping for my grandma yesterday so she doesn't have to worry about that.  I also need to get Christmas cards sent out this week.  We got our tree yesterday, so we'll be decorating today.  I have at least three blog posts I'd like to get up.  And some other social media stuff to do.

Potential kitchen projects this week: golden grahams, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, brownies.  I'm trying a new bread recipe today too.

I've had kind of an up and down week.  I think I've had some die off again.  Frustrating.  But at least not quite as long-lasting as usual.  I've had some really good days as well.  I'm really trying to figure out how to keep my body warm/keep my metabolism up.  I've had some days where my hands, ears, and/or cheeks have been bright red and hot :)  So I'm getting there.  I think I should avoid fruit most of the time.  It has too much water and too much sugar.  I had a handful of grapes Friday morning and I was ice cold the rest of the day.

I also tried coconut flour muffins last week.  I think I still don't tolerate coconut flour too well.  I'm sure there were other factors, but my tummy was not too happy.  Maybe I'll have to try using it in very small amounts with other flours at first.  Work my way up to a recipe with only coconut flour.

I still think variety/rotation is key.  And I'm still working on it.  It's tough to always be able to find something different to eat.  At the very least right now I'm getting a much larger variety of vegetables than I was for a while.  For example, for breakfast today I've already had golden beets, cauliflower, mushrooms and broccoli.  Later today I'll probably have peas, beans, broccoli, zucchini.  Maybe more.

I'm doing what I can to figure things out myself at the moment...and seeing some good signs.  And next week I'll meet with a new doctor to hopefully get more thorough testing and continue with the healing process.

On to the menu.  I tried to get some good variety...and yet somehow I ended up with lots of beef recipes :P  Oh well.

Finally here is a link to an article that I think is worth the read.  Don't let a number dictate the state of your health.
S (prep lunch, church, prep dinner, bake bread, Christmas program)
  B - pancakes, fruit (J), cauliflower, beets, mushrooms, broccoli, bacon cooked in butter and broth, pancake (M)
  L - (prep ahead) - cp bbq chicken legs and sweet potatoes, sauteed sweet corn, peas
  D - (prep ahead/parents over) - beef vegetable soup, ww bread

M (boil eggs, make golden grahams, milk, PS, prep smoothies)
  B - hard boiled egg, toast (J) egg yolk salad, raw veggies (M)
  L - leftovers (J), sauteed veggies (M)
  D - bacon spinach pies, caramelized brussels sprouts, fruit

T (skim cream, make sc, sewing,  clean, KM, WMB)
  B - smoothie, golden grahams w/ milk (J), smoothie, golden grahams (M)
  L - at work (J), sauteed veggies, bacon spinach pie (M)
  D - (separate) - hamburger corn bake, broccoli, applesauce leftover beef veg. soup, bread

W (make yogurt, prep breakfast, sewing, PS, prep potluck food)
  B - pancakes w/ bacon, fruit (J), sauteed beets, mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli, avocado, yeast free bread w/ butter (M)
  L - soup, bread (J), salad w/ hb egg yolk, mushrooms, avocado, sauteed cauliflower, yeast free croutons, honey mustard dressing (M)
  D - sloppy joes, squash, crispy fennel

Th (prep potluck food, sewing, library, SP, seminar?, prep breakfast)
  B - smoothie, granola w/ milk (J), squash, fennel, beets, spinach pie (M)
  L - potluck at work (J),  salad w/ fennel, mushrooms, broccoli, avocado, olives, gnd beef, honey mustard (w/ whole egg yolk), golden grahams (M)
  D - (prep ahead) - beefy enchilada bake (in cp) TBD eggs, toast, veggies

F (sewing, make mud balls, make mayo, clean, sewing, PS)
  B - french toast bake (J), yogurt, nuts, avocado, pinto beans (M)
  L - spinach pie (J), sauteed cauliflower, peas, soaked grahams, swiss cheese (M)
  D - cp salsa chicken (J), salad w/ mushrooms, avocado, olives, dates, cheese (M), egg nog

S (sewing, shopping, trains?)
  B - french toast bake (J), squash soup (M)
  L - salsa chicken (J), TBD (M)
  D - homemade pepperoni pizza, beans (J), TBD (M)


  1. Hope you guys had a nice date night! We are planning on one after Christmas and New Years.

    I bet Rebecca was a beautiful angel! Hope you snapped a pic! Can't wait to hear more about the SP, too.

    Is Justin's co-worker a train enthusiast? (We call them foamers in our Office of Rail ;) ). What kind of train exhibit is it?

    Are you meeting with a naturopath next week?

    This must be the week for potlucks. We were confirmed at church today and had a new member potluck combined with the J2B rehearsal potluck. And my office Christmas potluck is tomorrow.

    We are having sloppy joes one night this week, too. Tonight actually. :) Beef pot roast tomorrow. Ham steak on Tuesday. BBQ chicken Wednesday. Misc. leftovers on Thursday since we have to rush to Anna's play. Tacos on Friday. TBD on Saturday... Portable probably since we'll be at J2B from 3-7:30.

  2. We did have a good date night. Dinner and gift shopping at Target for the kids. It felt kind of strange just being the two of easy to shop :P

    I posted the pic on FB. We took some video too. The whole thing is on my wall if you're interested.

    Yes, his co-worker is very into trains. It's kind of an open house.

    I'm meeting with a doctor that is an MD but she is also practices more natural medicine. She is a doctor of osteopathy. Her office is called Natural Health Improvement Center. Several of my friends have recommended her.

    Congrats on joining the church!! We became official members of our new church about 2 weeks ago. We'll have our formal welcome Sunday in January (after the holidays).

    Well, the kids are in bed now. Rebecca was CRAZY with the program and Grandma over. Hopefully she fell asleep ok. Time to get things ready for tomorrow. Enjoy your week.

  3. Awesome about the new doctor! She probably accepts your insurance then?
