
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Healing Hot Chocolate

Ever since I got pregnant with baby #2 (in 2010) I have been hooked on hot chocolate.  While I had morning sickness it was about the only way I could get fluids down.  For some reason even when I'm sick chocolate still sounds good.

Even after giving birth I still enjoyed hot chocolate, but didn't need it daily any more.  I should say I'd try not to drink it daily...I was trying to be "good."
I'd go for stretches where I only drank lots of plain water or water with a little lemon juice.  But I started to notice that I always felt so full after drinking plain water.  It felt like I never absorbed it unless I just took tiny sips at a time.  And I would always have to go to the bathroom frequently.  And I would get very cold.

But give me a big mug of hot chocolate...and I can go through the whole thing in a few minutes and not feel like I have  belly full of liquid.  I feel like my body absorbs it and uses it.  And it helps me get warm.

So whenever I'm feeling dehydrated or like I'm not absorbing fluids or like I need something to help warm up I reach for a big mug of (homemade) hot chocolate.

I've tried other drinks, but they never do the same thing.  Why would this be?

Turns out my body really does know what it needs.

First, cocoa is actually quite high in magnesium.  And that's something I am lacking.

Cocoa is also high in iron.  And I just found out this week that I'm anemic.  So I better keep drinking my hot chocolate :)

After reading Eat For Heat I know that some fluids like plain water, tea, coffee and soda just flush the minerals out of your body.  But cocoa is is a very warming food.  And so is salt...which I add to my hot chocolate to make it even more warming!

Finally I saw this article recently about the health benefits of honey and cinnamon.

I combine all of these benefits into a cup of delicious, healing, hydrating, warming hot chocolate.  It takes a few seconds to make (once you have hot water).  And it is allergen free (dairy, eggs, wheat, gluten, soy, etc.).  If you can handle cocoa powder it is even GAPS legal.

With the salt/sweet/mineral content this could even replace your sports drink.

Want to take a step towards good health?  Instead of drowning in ounce after ounce of plain water try a delicious mug of healing hot chocolate.  Your body and your taste buds will thank you.

A little disclaimer - I'm not a doctor.  I don't have scientific data to back this up.  I just know how my body responds.  I always feel warm and hydrated when I drink my homemade hot chocolate.  But I feel full and cold when I drink most other fluids.  How about you?  Does your body respond well to hot chocolate?
Healing Hot Chocolate
serves 1

1 - 2 tsp. organic cocoa powder (it is important to use organic to avoid GMOs) (you can also use carob powder if youi can't tolerate cocoa)
2 tsp. raw honey
1/4 tsp. cinnamon (optional)
1/8 tsp. unrefined sea salt (optional)
1/4 cup milk or milk substitute (optional)
hot water

Place cocoa powder, honey, cinnamon and salt in a mug.  Fill the mug with hot water and stir to dissolve.  Add a splash of milk if desired for creaminess/to cool the hot chocolate.


  1. Sounds good!

    I know some people have difficulty sleeping due to Fear & Insomnia. So believe it or not ive written bloglet on Curing Fear & Insomnia

    Take Care

  2. Yum! Thank you for a delicious and healthy recipe! Now I don't feel guilty having a cup, or two, of hot cocoa. I made two cups this morning, the first one I followed the recipe, and it was so yummy I made another one! The second cup I added an extra teaspoon of cocoa and 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne! Wow, that was delicious! :)

  3. Glad you enjoyed it! I never follow any recipe really. I just made a guess at quantities to post it. Glad you adjusted it to your liking. I bet cayenne really gave it a kick!!

  4. You are making me want some hot cocoa! I think Carson and I will make this today... It's frigid outside so it seems perfect! :)

  5. Having some right now. My variation: Dutch-process cocoa, maple syrup, cinnamon, turmeric, this special live sea salt I have with kelp, and I added light cream... YUM.

  6. Oooh, that sounds good! I alternate sweeteners sometimes...honey, maple syrup, cane sugar or molasses. They each give a unique flavor. I love how the sea salt really brings out all the other flavors.
