
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Healthy Life Summit 2013

Village Green Network is hosting a Healthy Life Summit running March 23 - March 30.  You don't want to miss this!!!

This summit covers all aspects of health, wellness, nutrition and real food.  The lineup is amazing, including speakers like Joel Salatin, Sally Fallon Morell (Nourishing Traditions), Julia Ross (The Mood Cure), Kelly The Kitchen Kop, Carolyn Dean (The Magnesium Miracle), Matt Stone (Eat for Heat, Diet Recovery) and many more.

You can listen live all week for FREE March 23 - March 30.  But if you want to have lifetime access to the presentations and this wealth of information you can pre-oder the summit package until March 22 for only $49.  That's a 75% discount from the regular price.
Don't miss out on the summit or this great deal.  There will be so much great information shared next week.  I think my kids might be listening with me all day :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder, Mary! I just signed up. I wish I was able to do the $49 deal.. Did you? Hoping to listen in quite a few of the sessions.
