
Monday, April 1, 2013

Goals of the Month - April 2013

April 1 and time for some new goals.  I think my biggest goal this month is just getting my body back on track, resting and getting rid of the inflammation.  More sleep + less stress = healing.  Here is what else I hope to do this month (as long as it doesn't conflict with my resting :)

1. Writing - Brainstorm ideas for Real Food and Health (hard to be thinking about July and August topics already!) and write my Grand Rapids Natural Living article.

2. Photography - experiment with taking cake pictures.
photo credit:
3. Healing - This is a priority in April.  I need more sleep and less stress.  I need to be good about my rotational diet and not get stuck in a rut of anything.  I will be having a check up with my doctor to get my thyroid test results and see if we need to change anything.  And I need to eat lots of healing, nourishing, nutrient dense food.  I would like to order some gelatin and start experimenting with that/adding it to my food.  And I need to not eat much raw food.  I know it sounds strange, but that is so irritating for me.  I need LOTS of healthy fats with well cooked vegetables.  I might start pureeing my vegetables for a while to really reduce any inflammation.
At the end of the month I will be at the 3 month mark for my elimination diet.  So we'll see if I'm brave enough to try adding any foods back.  My low sensivities can be added after 3 months, one at a time.

I would also like to do more yoga and stretching.  I will be doing my DVD at home.  But it would also be nice to squeeze in a couple of actual classes.  It's been a long time since I've been to class.  And I really miss it.

I will continue to do detox baths and foot soaks when I can.

4. Homemade Food - I will continue to experiment with gluten free foods and allergen-free foods for myself.  I will also try making gluten free cake, bread and pizza dough so that Rebecca's birthday party can be gluten free.

5. Relationships - No huge plans on my part in this area for April.  But we'll see what God has in store.  When I stop trying that's when I let God take control and do great things.  I do hope to spend more time with my husband and children instead of being busy, busy.  We will also be seeing family at Rebecca's party.  And Rebecca and I will continue to have our mommy/daughter dates each month.

I was going to go to a shopping day with some women from my church, but I cancelled.  It's just too much for me right now.  Right now I need healing and rest, not more stress/anxiety.

6. Rebecca - We will continue to do gluten free for the moment.  Maybe in a few weeks we'll add some back in to see how she responds and if there is any noticeable change.  I will also make sure she gets probiotics and plenty of nourishing foods.

And we'll be celebrating my big girl's 5th birthday!  I don't know how she can be that old yet.
photo credit:
7. Crafts - I will be finalizing all of the games, decorations, etc. for Rebecca's party.

8. Cakes - April is a busy cake month for us.  I will be making a cake for Justin this week.  I will be experimenting and baking/decorating Rebecca's cake.  I will also be planning Abram's cake.  I also have a friend that said she has a friend that might be interested in ordering a cake from me.  I haven't heard anything yet.  If she does it would depend on the timing and if I think I could do it or it would be too much stress right now.

9. Declutter - This month I WILL organize Abram's closet :p  Justin saw it the other day and was like what is going on in there?!  So maybe one day when he is home to help with the kids I can attack it.

10. Acceptance - I am working on accepting my body in the healing process.  Even when I have big flares in inflammation, die off, etc. and feel totally uncomfortable in my skin (and my clothes!) I am trying to accept it and not worry.  I know I've been here before.  I know it's not permanent.  I know things will calm down and I'll feel better again.  This is part of my healing process and is helping me learn what my body needs.  It's usually a wake up call that I've been stressing out my body too much again.  When will I learn? :P

11. Service - I am hoping to get more involved in nursery cmt stuff at church soon.


  1. I hope you are able to get more rest and less stress. I take it that probably means we won't get a chance to meet up in Lansing this month.. maybe it'll work out next month. :)

    Good luck with all your goals this month! :)

  2. It's not out of the question, Sara. Some things are more/less stressful. A half day out with you guys wouldn't be too bad. But it would have to wait until the end of the month/after the party. Let me know what days at the end of April/beginning of May you might have free.
