
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 4-28-13

Well, this is going to have to be short and sweet.  My son is up and screaming at 6:30 am...and I don't think Daddy is cutting it :(  I love that Abram loves his veggies...but maybe grabbing the serving bowl of roasted brussels sprouts and cauliflower and finishing it off last night did not agree with his tummy.
Spring has finally arrived in Michigan!!  And we're happy to be outside.  This week isn't too busy.  I see my naturopath to talk about my recent blood work.  I might try to take the kids to the zoo while we have a few days of nice weather.  I am probably also going to do a hula hoop workshop at the studio where I take yoga.  I can FINALLY use the hoop I got for Christmas!  I also need to make a trip to the health food store for a few items.
For extras this week I'd like to make a new batch of granola.  I also have a soft serve ice cream maker that Rebecca has been begging me to take out.  So I have to find the manual and see what the recipes are like.  I haven't used it in years.  I might do some baking with coconut flour and garbanzo bean flour for myself.
Not too many other updates.  My body is kind of inflamed right now.  I made peanut butter cocoa puffs last week...and had to take a few too many tastes :P  Peanuts and peanut butter are some of my worst offenders.  So I'm trying hard now to get things to calm down.  My legs are painful (swelling/fluid retention), my weight is up and digestion is slowed.  I feel like living in sweats and t-shirts right now :P  Hopefully some extra rest and safe foods will get things back on track quickly.

On the plus side I feel like I'm starting to make sense of all of my research and test results.  And I feel like I have some direction.  More to come on that soon.

On to the menu.  I think I got it mostly filled in.  We're firing up the grill for the first time of the season today!  And I'm starting to think more spring/summer foods.  A nice change :)  Now I suppose I should get the flannel sheets off our beds since May is only a few days away.
S (marinate meat, church, make smoothies) D2
  B - breakfast cookies, pineapple yogurt (J), blueberries, string cheese, soaked rice/teff bar (M)
  L - grilled pork chops, peas, seasoned rice
  D - leftover taco rice, strawberry milkshakes (family), snap peas, tbd (M)

M (make gf graham crackers, HH, PS, Dr. A.) D3
  B - smoothie, breakfast cookie (J/R/A), pumpkin, soaked amaranth scone (M)
  D - (prep ahead) - cp corn chowder, crackers w/ cheese (family), leftover fish sticks, pumpkin (M)

T (make granola, make scones, soak flour, KM) D4
  B - granola w/ milk (R/A), squash, coconut flour scone (M)
  D - steak, baked potatoes, carrots

W (make pancakes, chop veggies, PS) D1
  B - yogurt w/ granola and strawberries (J), garbanzo flour pancakes, broccoli (M/R), yogurt (A)
  D - chicken meat balls or chicken nuggets, french fries, broccoli

Th (boil eggs, skim cream, make ice cream) D2
  B - hard boiled egg, toast (J), blueberries, string cheese, soaked rice/teff bar (M)
  D - baked or fried perch, rice, peas

F (MB, PS, Hula hoop) D3
  B - hard boiled egg, toast (J), pumpkin, soaked amaranth scone OR gm yogurt (M)
  D - prep ahead/separate - gf pizza (from freezer)

S () D4
  B - TBD (J/R/A), squash, scone (M)
  D - grilled burgers, chips, peas, fruit


  1. Hope your inflammation goes away soon.

    The weather has been so amazing this week!! We are loving it, too!!

    Have fun at the zoo! Do you still have your membership? I think we are going to sign up at Potter Park again. I just got an Impression 5 membership, too.

    Totally would love to do a hula hoop class with you- so fun!!

  2. Yes, we have our membership. I think it's good through the end of I'm going to try to get our money's worth :) Unfortunately we ended up not being able to go this week :( Forgot Rebecca has a doctor appt. on Thurs., and it's just too tough to squeeze it in on a shchool day since they don't open until 10. Mabye Sat. or next week.
