
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gluten Free "Goldfish" and "Cheese-It" Crackers (egg free, corn free, nut free)

Since going gluten free I've had to periodically send separate snacks to school for my daughter.  I do my best to send food that is as close as possible to what the other kids are eating.  Usually it's pretty simple.  But next week is Goldfish.  I haven't seen any store-bought cheesy gluten free crackers.  And I don't have any really cheesy homemade crackers in the house either.

That means it's time to experiment!!  My favorite thing to do :)
I brainstormed about how to make them look kind of orange, like the real thing.  I decided on adding squash and some yellow cheese.  And it worked!!

Both kids had some for breakfast (I do most of my baking in the morning before they get up...and they instantly run to the kitchen and start eating if they smell something good :).  I couldn't keep their hands off.  They paired the crackers with homemade gummies (full of nutrient dense gelatin) and strawberry lemonade (made with locally grown strawberries and real lemon juice).  Delicious!
You can make these crackers in any fun shape or size you like.  I decided to try to make them look like the "real" thing.  I also made some stars, circles and letters.

This is a fun snack for kids, and it's very healthy.  No vegetable oils.  No gluten, egg, corn or nuts.  Just real ingredients.

Gluten Free "Goldfish" or "Cheese-Its"
makes about 2 cups of crackers

1/2 cup white rice* or brown rice flour
1/2 cup tapioca flour*
1/2 tsp. sea salt*
1/4 tsp. baking soda
2 Tbsp. melted butter
4 Tbsp. pureed winter squash (this adds color, so the deeper the color the cheesier the crackers will look)
1 Tbsp. water
2/3 cup finely grated cheese (cheddar works well, a yellow cheese like colby will add extra color)
1/2 tsp. organic cane sugar, sucanat or coconut sugar*

Heat oven to 350 degrees F.

Mix the flours, salt, soda, butter, cheese and squash.  Add 1 Tbsp. of water.  Mix.  A ball of dough should form that does not crumble.  Knead it with your hand for a minute or two to get it all combined.  If after mixing the dough for a couple minutes it is still crumbly gradually add water a tsp. at a time.  You don't want the dough too wet or the crackers will not get crisp.

Place half of the dough on a piece of parchment paper.  Place another piece on top of the dough.  Roll until the dough is about 1/8 - 1/4" thick.  Cut into desired shapes or cut into squares with a pizza cutter.  Transfer shapes to a parchment lined baking sheet.  Transfer parchment paper with squares to a baking sheet.  Repeat of the second half of the dough.

Bake for about 20 minutes, until crisp and just starting to get golden on the edges.  Allow to cool completely.

*These are affiliate links.  It will not change the cost for you if you buy through the link, but I will get a small commission.  It helps me earn a small amount to keep putting in the time and effort to do what I do :)


  1. This is great. I will be making these real soon. My son and I are Gluten free and I like to make sure he has special treats so he doesn't feel left out at school. Thank you!

  2. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. I already made a 2nd batch today. So good!

    I do the same for my daughter. It's important to make her feel more "normal." :)
