
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 5-12-13

Happy Mother's Day!!  Yes, I'm still here.  I just haven't had much time to write posts this week.  And there's that little detail about trying to take it easy this sometimes I just say I don't feel like it right now and give my mind a break :)  I have quite a few posts coming, though.  Be on the lookout.
And for all you moms of little ones, soon-to-be moms or future moms don't forget to check out the Natural Fertility Bundle.  The sale ends tomorrow!!!

Buy Now

I also wanted to mention the book The Nourished Metabolism by Elizabeth Walling.  I am re-reading it right now.  It is seriously the best health/healing book I've ever read.  It puts all of my years of reading and research and trial and errors into one neat package.  I wish I had had this book many years ago.  It is 35% off right now (for a limited time).  So be sure to grab a copy today!

 Last week we had fun celebrating my little guy's 2nd birthday.  We also got to see some of my family at Tulip Time.  It was a chilly day...cold enough to get the winter coats and hats back out.  But of course in a week the forecast is for 97 degrees.  Gotta love Michigan weather :P
This week will be somewhat busy.  I need to make a trip to the health food store.  The kids have their last Kindermusic class of the semester.  Abram has his 2 year check up.  I might take the kids to visit my grandparents.  Rebecca has a school field trip to the zoo.  Abram and I will be going with her.  Justin and I might be going out on Saturday.
As usual I have a list of things I'd like to bake this week.  I got a head start and made a big batch of homemade fruit snacks yesterday.  The kids LOVED them.  They kept begging for more.  I offered birthday cake and ice thanks, more gummies please :)  I guess I didn't have to worry about how I was going to get my kids to consume some gelatin.  I even got an early Mother's Day present while I was making them...candy molds :)  So now we have homemade gummies in the shape of hearts, stars, circles and squares.

My potential projects for this week are gluten free goldfish crackers, gluten free noodles, gluten free buns and some kind of breakfast baked good.  I also need to make smoothies, pesto and kefir.  I might also do some baking for our mom's group.  This is our last meeting of the year, but I can't go because of the field trip.  But I might drop off some food anyway on our way to the zoo.  I could also make a meal to bring to my grandparents.  We'll see what the week brings.  If the weather is nice we'll be outside instead of inside baking.
No real update on me.  Just plugging along.  Still some daily struggles, but I'm getting there.  I did have a pretty big breakthrough on some issues last week.  When I have time to write I'll be doing a long post about it.  It may take a while since I have a  lot to say.  And I have other writing I have to get done first.  Right now I'm focusing on rest and balance and letting God work out the details.  And allowing Him to work through me to give Him glory.
So, my plan for this week is to get caught up on some writing and get some summer/fall plans made for the kids' activities.  I want to do a few baking projects.  I want to spend lots of time in the sun with the kids...when it decides to come back again.  And try to keep Rebecca away from mosquitos.  We found out last week that she is allergic.  One bite and the whole top of her arm was puffed up, itchy and painful.

Here's what's on the menu.  I'm trying to keep the meals simple so there is plenty of time for other stuff.
S (prep lunch, church, prep smoothies, make chocolate suckers) D4
  B - banana yogurt, granola (J), squash, beef, coconut flour scone (M), gf pancakes (R/A)
  L - cp meatloaf, baked potatoes, carrots
  D - bacon and grilled cheese sandwiches, chips w/ salsa, broccoli, milkshakes

M (bake muffins, HH, PS, make noodles?) D1
  B - smoothie, orange cranberry muffins (J/R/A), fried duck egg, beets, coconut milk ice cream (M)
  D - chicken noodle soup, crackers w/ cheese

T (make gf goldfish, KM, make pesto) D2
  B - TBD baked good (J), beets, cheese, rice bar (M), yogurt (R/A)
  D - pork chops and apples over rice, peas

W (make marshmallows, Dr. S., PS, grind millet) D3
  B - smoothie, orange cranberry muffins (J/R/A), gm yogurt w/ blueberries, amaranth bar (M)
  D - turkey pesto pasta, garlic toast, applesauce

Th (prep breakfast, make gf crackers, visit grandparents) D4
  B - hard boiled egg, toast (J), squash, yogurt (M), gf crackers, hard boiled egg (R/A)
  D - sloppy joes, broccoli, home canned peaches, chips

F (pack picnic, clean, zoo) D1
  B - muffins, yogurt (J), fried duck egg, sautéed broccoli and cauliflower (M), yogurt (R/A)
  L - picnic - sandwiches, yogurt, peaches, carrots, olives, ice cream
  D - chicken tacos or meatballs

S (make rice scones, make lemonade gummies, dinner out) D2
  B - TBD
  D - hot dogs, tator tots, peas


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Mary! Hope you have a great day and week!

    I keep hearing people talking about 90-degree days in the next week, but have yet to see that forecast myself. I think someone just started a rumor. I just looked up Flint and GR's forecasts to see... And GR doesn't even show 80 in the next 10 days. Flint says 81 for Wed., but that's the highest. So I'm pretty sure the 90-97 degree thing is false. :-)

    Ugh, mosquitoes... I have yet to find a more natural and safe alternative to keep them at bay. I've tried what feels like just about everything, too.

    Hope you and Justin get to have a date night! Enjoy your week!!

  2. Our forecast shows 91 for Friday (our field trip day...should be a hot one). When Justin checked yesterday it said 97 for next Sunday.

    The mosquitos are bad this year b/c of all the flooding. I wish there was something to do about it.

  3. What weather forecasts do you guys check? That is not any where near what is shown on Weather channel or NOAA..

  4. I like your forecast better.. I love it hot! :)
