
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 5-26-13

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.  His love endures forever."

Another new week.  Another chance to see God's work.  Last week we had our final night of Kindermusik, and Rebecca had her last day of preschool.  So not too much going on this week.  We'll likely go to our little local parade tomorrow.  We might go to a baseball game, depending on the weather.  The kids and I might go to the zoo, park and/or library.  And it's our week for milk pick up.  This seems like a good way to end my "Mother's May"...a low key week.
As usual I still have plenty of ideas of projects to keep me busy in the kitchen.  There is also plenty of cleaning I could do in the house.  It seems like every room is starting to get overly cluttered again.  It looks like we could have a bunch of rain again, so maybe we'll get to do both baking and cleaning this week.  I'm sure the kids won't mind.
No big updates on me.  I'm just trying to listen to my body, give it what it needs and not worry about it.  MUCH easier said than done.  But I'm trying.  And I will praise God for what he is doing in me and through me.
I enlisted Justin and Rebecca to help with meal planning this week.  I ended up with a random assortment of ideas.  I fit in the ones I could.  I'll have to add some of Rebecca's ideas to next week's plans too.  When I ask her what she'd like to eat she doesn't request her favorite food...she tries to come up with a new recipe.  Now where did she learn that? :P

So, here's the menu.  What are you eating this week?  What are your go-to meals?  Is your menu changing as the weather gets warmer?
S (prep lunch, church, prep smoothies, soak flour) D3
  B - yogurt, granola, banana (J/R/A), gm yogurt, garbanzo flour scone, snap peas (M)
  L - cp pork chops, potatoes and carrots (J/R/A), leftover salmon cakes, pumpkin (M)
  D - baked white fish or grilled cheese, broccoli, chips

M (bake muffins, soak flour, parade, park?) D4
  B - smoothie, muffins (J/R/A), coconut flour scone, yogurt, sautéed mushrooms (M)
  L - hot dogs, s'mores over fire, TBD
  D - tuna melts, broccoli, French fries, baked beans

T (bake oatmeal, make rice bars)
  B - baked oatmeal (J/R/A), sautéed peas, rice bar, cheese (M)
  D - chicken alfredo over gf noodles w/ broccoli

W (clean, milk pick up, soak flour) D1
  B - smoothie, muffins (J/R/A), fried duck egg, beets, coconut flour scone (M)
  D - hot taco rice, roasted asparagus and cauliflower

Th (soak flour, skim cream, make cereal, make ic treats, library?) D2
  B - baked oatmeal w/ yogurt (J/R/A), blueberries, cheese, rice bar (M)
  D - soaked gf waffles, bacon, peas, pears

F (make amaranth bars, Meijer) D3
  B - cereal w/ milk (J/R/A), gm yogurt, amaranth bar, pumpkin (M)
  D - chili, gf cornbread

S (perp dinner) D4
  B - TBD
  D - pizza or casserole


  1. Enjoy your week! We've got a nice, low key week, too. Hanging with our neighbors later today, family party tomorrow, 3rd try at a root canal Thursday afternoon (hopefully they can complete it this time!), hopefully off on Friday, and nothing going on Saturday now due to a change of plans. No softball b/c of the holiday, our only Monday through August without a game.

    I'm making chicken shawarma with rice and grilled veggies today, family party tomorrow (burgers and dogs), chicken shawarma salad on Tuesday, grilled brats Wednesday, chicken noodle soup on Thursday (Carson's request), out to eat on Friday (possibly), and grilled lamb chops on Saturday. We grill a lot as the weather changes... Grilled food (on an outdoor grill) is our favorite... It's hard to beat the grilled taste. :)

  2. Enjoy your week, Sara! I bet you guys are all happy to have a little less going on this week.

    I hope the rc goes well and that they get it done! What a pain.

    We don't grill that much. Not that I don't like it. I just like to cook other things :P
