
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 6-2-13

It's the first full week of June.  That means time to enjoy summer vacation.  It looks like we'll have some cooler weather this week.  So no water fun.  But hopefully it will be dry so we can at least get outside.
Come on mom, I'm hungry!
We really don't have a lot going on this week.  Which means I get to have lots of play time with my kids :)  I'll probably make a trip to the health food store.  And Rebecca has a doctor appointment.  We might go to a baseball game on Saturday if the weather is nice since we couldn't go last week.

This is the first week our local farmer's market is open.  The kids and I are looking forward to starting our weekly walks there.
Memorial Day s'mores
No big updates on myself.  I'm slowly learning to let go of control and just let things be.  I'm not stressing about what I'm eating.  I don't obsess over the things I "can't" eat.  I'm just thankful for the healthy, nourishing food I can eat...and trying to enjoy it.  I'm trying not to think too much about size/looks.  I'm focusing on doing things I enjoy (like baking, crafts, writing, walking, reading, etc.) and spending time with my family.  My kids are so much happier when I'm less anxious/less stressed.  I had another morning with Rebecca this week when I was sitting down with her for breakfast and she just looked at me with a big grin and sparkle in her eye.  And she said "I'm happy."  It makes every ounce of struggle I'm going through worth it.  I want to continue this trend.

I haven't thought too much about kitchen projects this week yet.  I didn't have time for ice cream treats last week, so I might try those.  We are almost out of granola.  I might do some other breakfast baked good.  I need to figure out what to do with our homemade marshmallows.  So maybe I'll come up with some kind of treat with those.  And we'll see what produce we get at the farmer's market to use.

I'm looking forward to a relaxing, fun week.  Here's what's on the menu.  What are you eating this week?

S (church) D1
  B -donut, banana (J), beets, gm yogurt w/ amaranth bar (M), string cheese, strawberries (R/A)
  L - leftover chili and cornbread
  D - leftover pizza or hot dogs

M (sewing) D2
  B - yogurt, gf breakfast cookies (J/R/A), snap peas, cheese, rice bar (M)
  D - ham noodle bake, peas, applesauce

T (make granola, FM) D3
  B - granola w/ milk fruit (J/R/A), pumpkin, gm yogurt, amaranth bar (M)
  D - salmon cakes, beans, rice

W (bake lemon poppyseed muffins, HH) D4
  B - muffins, fruit (J/R/A), squash, beef, scone (M)
  D - meatloaf or meatballs, baked potatoes, broccoli

Th (skim cream, boil eggs, make gummies, Dr. M.) D1
  B - hb egg, toast (J), sauteed broccoli, fried duck egg (M), baked good, gummies (R/A)
  D - chicken parmesan over noodles, corn

F (make ic treats, soak flour) D2
  B - granola w/ milk (J/R/A), watermelon, cheese, rice bar (M)
  D - scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, peas, watermelon

S (make amaranth bars, baseball game) D3
  B - eggs, bacon, toast (J/R/A), gm yogurt, amaranth bar, pumpkin (M)
  D - at game / pack food


  1. Have a good week! Enjoy the farmers market! Sounds like you are doing very well. So happy for you!!!!

    Your meals sound good. I'm not 100% sure what we'll be eating all week yet... We had leftovers today b/c I went to a 31 party at my friend's house. Tomorrow Kevin has softball, but I don't think the kids and I willl be going. Tuesday we'll have BBQ baked chicken wings... As long as I am un-numb from gettig my crown put back on at the dentist (I'm so over all this drama with this tooth... when my crown popped off last week, I seriously just wanted them to pull the dang thing!! lol!). Wednesday is TBD, possibly salmon cakes or grilled porterhouse steaks. Thursday is grilled chicken breasts (marinated in olive oil and Italian seasonings). Friday we have our small group at Panera. Saturday is TBD... I have a photo session that evening, so something quick and easy. :)

    I'd like to make pesto this week to freeze, bake some bread (hopefully), and make some coconut milk ice cream. Nothing too extravagant.

  2. Sounds like some good meals. I hope you get the tooth finally taken care of and that Bristol is doing better.
