
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 9-1-13

September 1 and I'm already running behind.  Getting a late start on my post after spending lots of time in the kitchen dealing with chicken broth and de-boning.  I still can't believe it's September!!
Visiting Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's farm.
This week the chaos of fall begins.  Tomorrow should be relaxing with the whole family home for Labor Day.  But Tuesday reality hits as school starts.  Rebecca also starts dance class this week.  We might go to a soccer open house for a potential class for Abram.  And I have to go to the farmer's market and grocery shopping.

I'm hoping to make some phone calls and do some research to make progress on hopefully being able to see a chiropractor and get a water filter for our house.

Dinner with my sister and her family.
I did manage to can my first batch of spaghetti sauce last week.  I'm not sure what I'll be doing this week.  Maybe more sauce, maybe salsa and maybe peaches.  Aside from that I need to soak and dry some nuts.  I also got an amazing cookie press from my grandparents.  I'd like to experiment with it.  And I need to make my usual weekly baked goods for breakfasts and snacks.
Lots of fresh cut up and frozen.
I also need to figure out school snacks for Rebecca.  Last year we had a snack schedule so I knew exactly what they were eating and if I needed to send an alternative.  This year no such luck :(  So I have to be sure she has an acceptable snack in her bag every day just in case.

No big update on me.  I'm just taking things one day at a time.  My body is still undergoing a lot of healing.  I'm still in a phase where I have a lot of swelling/fluid retention.  And it's not pleasant.  But I know my body is doing lots of repair work.  I'm thankful for the progress I've made already.  My morning temperature has been GREAT all week (upper 97's, lower 98's).  I'm able to sleep well.  I can focus quite well most of the time.  But I know there is still some physical repair to be done.

Here is what's on  our menu this week.  What are you eating?  Eet Smakelijk!


S (strain broth, de-bone chicken, prep lunch, church, nursery, prep smoothies, prep breakfast)
  B - yogurt, granola, fruit
  L - cp chicken noodle soup
  D - leftover zucchini pork and bean quesadillas

M (bake breakfast, make hot fudge)
  B - over night french toast bake (gluten free version), smoothies
  D - grilled hot dogs, grilled zucchini, chips and dip

T (FM, 1st day of school, soak pecans and almonds)
  B - yogurt, granola, fruit
  D - chicken, peas and rice casserole, peaches

W (can peaches, Meijer, dry pecans and almonds, can peaches, bake cookies)
  B - french toast bake, smoothies
  D - cheesy rice balls, beans, fruit salad

Th (bake peach crumble, skim cream, prep dinner, make/can spaghetti sauce, make peach ice cream, dance, soak flour)
  B - breakfast peach crumble, yogurt
  D - early - cp hobo dinners

F (freeze corn, bake gf bars, make gf goldfish)
  B - leftover peach crumble, bananas
  D - gf pancake muffins (modified to make it gluten free) w/ syrup, fresh fruit, peas, bacon

S (sleep, soccer open house)
  B - pancake muffins
  D - spaghetti


  1. I can't believe its September! With the crummy weather we had this summer, I seriously feel cheated. But I'm sort of excited (and sad) to see what the fall and school will bring.

    I'm trying to get as much done this weekend as I can, without sacrificing having fun and doing whatever Carson wants to do. I canned tomatoes and may do another batch tomorrow morning before my 10am photo session. I am making breakfast burritos to freeze, as well as more zucchini bread muffins. Then church and a family birthday party for Brooklynn.

    I will be doing some meal planning in the car on our way to Fenton, I think. I know we'll have chicken noodle soup on Tuesday (Carson got to pick our dinner on his 1st day of school), but that all I know so far. :). I want to get a detailed schedule going for this week if I can... We'll see how much I stick to it considering my dislike of schedules - haha! But I think we'll need it if we're going to pull this off.

    I have to send a good snack and drink for morning snack and a lunch everyday. The classroom provides a light afternoon snack - not crazy about it, but we'll see how it goes. The parents are asked to bring in a bulk snack item for donation for the afternoon snack... I need to figure out what I want to bring in for that. I'm sure it'll be a lot of goldfish, pretzels, fruit snacks, etc. I need to do some brainstorming to see if there is something I can get from the health food store/TJs/WFM. I may ask the teacher if I can just bring in a bunch of bananas, one for each child.. Things like that.

  2. Btw, your zucchini, pork, and bean quesadillas sound good!

  3. I wish the school food stuff didn't have to be so tough. Can't schools set some rules about REAL nutrition? I always wonder if there is a way to at least get food coloring out of schools. That would be such a huge help for so many kids.

  4. I'm planning to get involved with the PTO and want to push healthier food options - whether PTO is the avenue to start it at, I"m not sure. But I'm hoping to find some other parents that are interested. I know Kerri is, and I'm sure there are others. Even though I doubt they'll ever get to the point where I want Carson eating it... even a few improvements would help so many kids in general.
