
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Meal Plans Week of 1-23-11

Last full week of January already.  And it'll probably fly by.  Even with Justin gone!  Once again we have something going on just about every day this week.  Maybe that's good a thing :P

Last week was fun and fairly productive.  I got some organizing done in Rebecca's new closet.  And got rid of a bunch of my old clothes.  Rebecca got tested for lead.  We're still waiting for the results.  I had my glucose test...and passed!!  Another testament to me being healthier now.  I failed the 1 hour test when I was pregnant with Rebecca.  We had a playdate and MOPS.  Two days in a row of friends and fun.  I also had my first attempt at converting my standard white cake recipe to a healthier version...and it worked!!!  I'll be decorating the cake this week for my grandma's birthday.  We also had most of my family over again yesterday.  As always we enjoyed the company, especially Rebecca and her cousin :)

This week Justin will be out of town for work.  So meals this week will be a bit different than normal.  I have tons of salad left over from our gathering yesterday.  So I'll be eating salad almost all week (except Wed.) :)  And Rebecca will eat all of the toppings separately, plus extra veggies.  We also have some leftover sloppy joe meat to use up.  So not a ton of cooking going on this week.  It's nice to have a little break.  I do still hope to get some stuff done in the kitchen though.  I boiled eggs, cooked beans, made kefir and made french salad dressing (recipe to come) this morning.  I might make some mayo today to use in salad dressing and egg salad.  I might also attempt to make bread (whole wheat, sourdough, cinnamon, chocolate swirl?) this afternoon or another day this week.  We'll see how motivated I am.  I might make a batch of gluten free cookies.  If I find decent walnuts and/or pecans this week I'll make crispy nuts.  I'm running low on those.  I also have to frost and decorate a cake for a family party this week.  Since it'll just be me in the morning for breakfast I think I'm going to make a couple big batches of smoothies to have all week.  Healthy and tasty!!  I also want to make cream cheese for a recipe next week.  Aside from food I need to keep up with all of the regular stuff (including all the stuff Justin normally helps with).  This includes the weekly cleaning.  I almost always do my weekly house cleaning on Fridays.  And I always just put "clean" on my to-do list.  Just thought I'd expand on what that generally means.  My minimum for my Friday cleaning is to clean all of the bathrooms (all 3!), put out fresh linens (beds, towels, etc.) and gather and sort laundry.  Often it also includes cleaning floors (wipe kitchen floor, swiffer, vacuum) and cleaning other areas in the kitchen.  Makes for a long Friday, but it feels good at the end of the day/week to have a clean house.

So, busy week.  Today is church.  I'll be helping with Little Lambs.  Justin leaves later today.  Monday is Harvest Health and gymnastics.  I just joined a women's book/Bible study at the church where I attend MOPS.  It starts this Tuesday morning.  I'm very excited about that!  I also have to pick up milk on Tuesday.  Wednesday is our first day of Kindermusik for the semester.  I know Rebecca will be excited after a few weeks off.  I also need to make a quick stop at Meijer after KM.  Wednesday afternoon/evening my parents and grandparents are coming over for dinner and cake to celebrate my grandma's birthday.  Thursday I have a playdate with some MOPS moms.  Friday we don't have any scheduled plans, but I might try to get to Michael's to get cake supplies for upcoming cakes.  And Justin will be home, so it will be back to normal routine :)  Saturday I might try to get to the fabric store and/or shop for birthday presents.  I have so many errands to run but never any time.  So maybe Justin can watch Rebecca for a bit so I can do some quick shopping.

In baby news we've passed the 24 week mark...viability!  I would never in a million years want my baby born this early.  But at least at this point the doctors would try to save the baby.  This little one seems to think it's fun to sit down low and punch my bladder and intestines.  Not so fun for me :P  I am only about 3 weeks away from the 3rd trimester.  15 weeks until the c-section.  We're getting there :)

I guess that's all for now.  Here's what's on the menu.
potential salad toppings - sloppy joe meat, ham, hard boiled eggs, bacon, cheese, crispy nuts, dried fruit, croutons, avocado, carrots, peas, pinto beans, chickpeas, homemade french and HM dressing

S (boil eggs, cook beans, make french dressing, clean kitchen sink, make kefir, church, Little Lambs, make mayo, make HM dressing, Justin leaves, bake gf bars)
  B - smoothie (me), yogurt, granola, fruit (Justin)
  L - leftover sloppy joes, salad, chips, pears
  D - salad (me), egg salad sandwich (Justin - early)

M (thaw cake, make smoothies, bake chocolate swirl bread, HH, gymnastics, crumb coat cake, put away laundry, soak nuts)
  B - kefir smoothie
  D - salad

T (frost cake, make quiche crust, iron, Anna's Circle, decorate cake, milk, dry nuts)
  B - kefir smoothie
  D - salad

W (prep dinner, clean, KM, Meijer, birthday party, chop fruit and lettuce)
  B - kefir smoothie
  D - ham and broccoli quiche, beans, applesauce, sweet bread or muffins

Th (make smoothies, bake whole wheat bread and cinnamon raisin bread, playdate, clean kitchen floor, Justin home)
  B - kefir smoothie
  D - leftover quiche

F (clean, Michael's, playdate, chop veggies)
  B - kefir smoothie (me), cinnamon raisin bread, pineapple (Justin)
  D - tacos/taco salad

S (sleep, make kefir, make cream cheese, soak flour, laundry, fabric store, grind flour, sprout flour)
  B - leftover quiche, beans (me), homemade bread w/ pb, small smoothie (Justin)
  D - pancake sausage muffins, roasted veggies, fruit

1 comment:

  1. Carson was really low on my bladder and intestines, too. I'd feel like he was kicking/punching through to the seat of my chair ar times, too.

    Good luck with Justin gone this week. At least he's not gone for a full week.
