
Monday, February 28, 2011

End of Month Recap - February 2011

Last day of February.  This was a pretty productive month.  Here's how I did on my goals.


1. Eating for pregnancy, specifically the 3rd trimester - check.  So far so good with seafood once a week.  And of course I still take my cod liver oil daily.

2. Reduce grains - try to make almost all breakfasts and lunches grain free - check.

3. Foods to avoid - check.  I'm sure I had a few bites of a few things, but pretty much eliminated these.

raw apples
raw carrots
raw spinach

4. New recipes - make at least one new recipe from my Robin Miller cookbook.  I decided to scrap this goal.  I read through my cookbook several times.  And didn't see anything I wanted to make.  RM uses so much packaged/convenience foods.  Nothing really appealed ot me.  I used to love her recipes, but not any more.  Oh well.

5. Cooking/baking:

*cake/deco - nephew's birthday party - check.
*homemade bread - try making hamburger buns - check.
*roast chicken and make/freeze broth  - check.
*fermented food - bean paste (made on Sunday...try to eat it often), ketchup, mayo - eat fermented food daily - check.
*sprout and grind flour more regularly - I only ended up doing this once.  It's tough since it's not something I can do while Rebecca is sleeping since it's so noisy.  But I really need to make time for it.  I've got 25 lbs. of wheat berries to use :)

6. For this month I am going to make every Sunday evening fun/finger food night.  And every Friday evening will be breakfast for dinner - check!  We loved it.


1. Healthy lifestyle series - soy/flax seed, Cooking Light Review, milk - I didn't quite get through all of these.  I kind of combined soy/flax and a few thoughts on milk.
2. EFT - continue to do it at least 3x a week - I slacked on this a bit as my focus shifted to baby stuff.  Hopefully I'll get back on track next month.
3. Get up 30 min. later on Saturdays, plus eat breakfast sometime after 6:30 am - I did this a few times.
4. Kegels - I already have a very week/overactive bladder. And pregnancy doesn't really help :P I need to get into the habit of doing kegels regularly. I'm going to try to do them once a day - check!!  Finally got into the habit.  Hopefully it will help my bladder :)
5. This month I want to add rational thoughts to my goals. I did that when I was working with my psychologist on my OCD. And I think it is a great help. So I want to get my journal out and start doing it again. Then read them every day. This will help reinforce good thoughts and get rid of the OCD thoughts - I only did this once.  And I had a hard time coming up with stuff to write.  I know I have plenty of irrational thoughts.  But they only last for a bit...when the anxiety is high.  I'll have to keep working on it.


1. Sewing - start working on a nursing cover, cloth wipes, and/or diaper bag - I made the nursing cover and the diaper bag.  Not too bad.

2. Be creative - 1 birthday cake - check.

3. Activities and Outings - check.

a. Kindermusik
b. nursery cmt (meeting Feb.. 21, nursery duty Feb. 20)
c. MOPS (meeting Feb. 4, playdate Feb. 18)
d. Gymnastics
e. Calvin basketball game - Feb. 12, out for dinner with family afterwards to celebrate birthdays
f. OB appt. - Feb. 16
g. Psychologist appt. - Feb. 3
h. Dinner with a friend - Feb. 7
i. Nephew's birthday party - Feb. 19

4. Rebecca - some things to do with Rebecca this month:

a. Keep working on potty training - check.
b. Keep working on letters, numbers, spelling/sounds, counting, math, etc. - check.
c. Teach her a little more about babies - check.  Got a few books from the libarary.  She really likes them.
d. Keep working on her new room - organize toys, clean closet, move clothes to new dresser and closet - STILL waiting on her dresser.  So not too much progress.

5. Organize: living room (toys), Rebecca's new room (set up dresser, clean closet, organize toys, hang posts, use new bedding), basement storage room - I got some work done in the living room and Rebecca's new room.  Slowly but surely :P

6. Decide on/shop for nursery deco - bought a few decorations.

7. Memorize scripture - Phillipians 4: 4-7 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

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