
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Meal Plans Week of 2-27-11

Almost March.  I am so ready for spring.  But it seems like it just snows more and more every day.  Hopefully not much longer.  I'm anxious to play outside more with Rebecca.  Although having to stay inside isn't such a bad thing when you have a lot to get done :)
Last week was pretty productive.  I finally got started on baby prep.  I washed a bunch of baby clothes and all of our cloth diapers.  I don't have anywhere to put them yet, but they're clean :)  Makes me feel better to at least have something ready.  I'm almost done with the diaper bag (hoping to finish today or tomorrow).  And I took out the infant carrier/car seat.  I forgot how heavy those things are.  Rebecca enjoyed putting her doll in and rocking it.  We made a trip to the library (finally).  And yesterday we got to see some family that we haven't seen in a few years.  Plus  Rebecca got to spend time with Carson again!  I also made quite a few new recipes and some gut friendly foods.  I made bean paste, mayo, honey mustard dressing, crispy cashews (and found out Rebecca LOVES them), hamburger buns, kefir, chicken broth (8 pints) and baked my birthday cake and a few cupcakes.  I experimented with natural ingredients a little more on this cake.  And it turned out great!  I'm looking forward to a delicious chocolate cake in a couple weeks.
This week will be another busy one.  And I'll keep trying to chip away at the baby to-dos.  Today is church.  Monday is Harvest Health, gymnastics, and we're meeting with the tile people so we can pick out the tile for our basement shower (we had the plumbing done last week, so tile is next).  Tuesday is Meijer and possibly Target.  I need to get a head start on my birthday shopping for March/April.  We'll see if I do Target on Tuesday or Thursday.  Wednesday is Kindermusik and an OB appt. (hard to believe I have another one already!).  Thursday is possibly Target or just staying home to get stuff done.  Friday is MOPS.  Saturday we don't have any definite plans, but we might do some shopping.

Aside from errands I want to keep going with my sewing projects.  I want to finish the diaper bag and start on Rebecca's princess dress.  We're still working on some March planning/possible mini vacation.  But we're waiting to hear about some other stuff first.  In the kitchen I want to start working on cake decorations.  I'm experimenting with gum paste for the first time.  I think I'll let Rebecca "help" me and make some of her own decorations :)  I need to use some sourdough.  I think I'll make muffins.  I just finished my grain free granola, so I need to make a new batch.  I also want to make more fermented punch since I've been drinking that every night lately.  And I'm almost out of homemade toothpaste.  So I have to make another batch.  I might make more crispy nuts this week if I stock up at Harvest Health.  And just the usual day-to-day stuff.  That should keep me plenty busy.  On to the new week.  Here's what's on the menu.
S (prep lunch, make cream cheese/whey, sewing, church, make gf granola, make punch)
  B - yogurt/kefir, crispy nuts, beans, avocado (me), sourdough pancakes w maple syrup, pineapple (Justin)
  L - cp corn chowder, chocolate swirl bread or raisin pecan bread
  D - cashew avocado chx salad w/ bacon and cheddar on homemade hamburger buns, roasted cauliflower and brussels sprouts, mixed fruit

M (sewing, HH, gymnastics, put away laundry, tile appt., soak nuts, soak beans, make kefir) - grain free day
  B - roasted veggies, yogurt (me), scrambled eggs, toast (Justin)
  D - (early) - leftover chili, bread

T (cook beans, prep smoothies, Target, Meijer, cake deco, class, dry nuts) - grain free day
  B - kiwi, pineapple, blueberry, avocado kefir smoothies
  D - leftover chx salad and/or soup

W (prep/freeze dinner, make muffins, feed sd, KM, Dr. E.)
  B - sprouted sourdough granola muffins, fruit
  D - (easy) - beef, bean and cheese burritos w/ salsa, sour cream, avocado, corn, applesauce

Th (prep smoothies, make toothpaste, chop fruit, make scotcheroos, chop veggies) - gluten free day
  B - strawberry, kiwi, pineapple kefir smoothies
  D - almond crusted tilapia, tortilla chips w/ avocado bean dip, applesauce

F (clean, MOPS, soak wheat berries) - gluten free day
  B - scrambled eggs, toast, avocado
  D - beef and bean burgers on homemade buns (bunless for me), roasted veggies, applesauce

S (sewing, laundry, co-op order, sprout and dry wheat berries, make kefir)
  B - yogurt/kefir, grain free granola, roasted veggies (me), bagel, fruit (Justin)
  D - homemade personal pizzas w/ sausage and cheese on whole wheat crust (sprouted for me), roasted veggies


  1. Sounds like you had a really productive week last week! Hope this week is, as well. Good luck with all the baby prep and tile shopping!

    Are you guys still thinking about the Double JJ?

  2. Yeah, still thinking about it. Just for one night...probably 12th/13th. But we're still waiting to hear about other potential plans that weekend. Hopefully we can finalize plans soon!
