
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Meal Plans Week of 2-13-11

Mid February already.  Happy 3rd Birthday to my wonderful nephew!  And Happy Valentine's Day to all.  We're not big on Valentine's Day.  We usually do something very simple.  Justin gave me some red tulips and a balloon on Friday.  I gave him some chocolates.  Simple is good :)

Last week was fairly low key for once.  We had two full days at home with nothing going on.  I think Rebecca and I both needed that.  Yesterday we had fun going to another Calvin basketball game and celebrating February birthdays with my family.  Kitchen work wasn't too bad.  I made our mini feast for the Super Bowl.  I also made fermented ketchup, crispy walnuts, sprouted graham crackers (in fun shapes) and grain free muesli.  Aside from that I drew the cake design for my nephew's birthday cake.  And I made my nursing cover.  That was a lot easier than I expected.  And it turned out really well.  Now I just have to wait a while to use it :P
This week won't be too bad in terms of outings.  No more milk pick up :(  And no Anna's Circle this week.  I will be busy at home working on a birthday cake for my nephew, though.  Today is church.  Justin has to collect, so he'll be home late for dinner tonight.  So our Sunday night fun foods will be mostly cold stuff that we can eat whenever.  Monday Justin has a health screening thing at work, so he can't eat breakfast in the morning.  I'll have to pack him something easy.  We also have Harvest Health, gymnastics and council.  Tuesday is Meijer and class.  Wednesday is Kindermusik, OB appt. and worship team.  Friday we have a MOPS playdate.  I'm pretty sure I'm going, but it will depend on how the cake is progressing.  Saturday afternoon we'll be heading to Flint for my nephew's party.

The other things on my agenda this week - homemade electrolyte drink and/or fermented punch, hummus (cooked the beans this morning), popcorn (for our fun foods...still learning how to make good popcorn on the stove w/o burning any :), mayo, attempting an updated version of beer bread and cake decorating.  If time allows I might start working on making cloth wipes.  I am trying to get more good bacteria in my gut, so I've been eating fermented bean paste daily.  And kefir almost every day.  If I make fermented punch that will help too.

I think that's it for this week.  Here's what's on the menu.
S (cook beans, prep lunch, church, make popcorn, make hummus)
  B - yogurt/kefir, grain free granola, avocado, bean paste (me), leftover egg casserole, toast, fruit (Justin)
  L - chicken breast in cp w/ red potatoes and mixed veggies
  D - (separate meals/cold) -  peanut butter popcorn, vanilla milkshake, crackers w/ cheese, red hot sausage, hummus, bean paste, peas

M (make electrolyte drink, sewing, prep dinner components, cake deco, V's Day, HH, gymnastics, put away laundry, council, soak hazelnuts and macadamia nuts)
  B - (pack bfast for Justin) - chewy granola bar, apple; strawberry pineapple milkshake, chickpeas, hummus (me)
  D - ham and broccoli crustless quiche, asparagus, bread pudding

T (prep smoothies, make kefir, cake deco, Meijer, make mayo, class, dry nuts)
  B - small blueberry cherry avocado kefir smoothies, bread pudding
  D - leftover quiche and bread pudding

W (cake deco, KM, Dr. E., WT, make fermented punch, food prep for Thurs., chop fruit)
  B - avocado and cheddar omelet or leftover quiche, bread pudding
  D - (early) - roasted corn tilapia, beans, pears

Th (prep smoothies, prep dinner, cake deco, fabric store, make bread, make fermented punch, chop fruit, thaw cake, make kefir)
  B - strawberry avocado kefir smoothies
  D - cp sausage and veggie medley (w/o potatoes), whole wheat beer bread

F (crumb coat, frost and decorate cake, feed sd, MOPS playdate (bring sd))
  B - yogurt/kefir, granola (grain free for me), pineapple
  D - mexican breakfast casserole, sausage links, beer bread, corn, avocado

S (clean, laundry, Carson's party)
  B - leftover breakfast casserole
  D - at party


  1. The nursing cover and cake sketches look awesome, Mary! Carson is going to love the cake! Thanks again for making it!

    We're not big on Valentine's Day, either. We never do anything for the Hallmark holidays, really.

    I was thinking the other day that I want to make some fermented punch. I still have never made it. I killed my water kefir grains when I killed the dairy grains, so I need to get some of them. There are some people in my WAPF chapter that make it, so hopefully they remember to bring some for me next month. I think I am going to start brewing some kombucha again today. Glad I can't kill the scoby for that. :)

  2. Hi, I found your blog through Heavenly Homemakers. I'm actually in West MI too, fun! Here is my popcorn tutorial:


  3. Hi Christy. Thanks for stopping by! How fun to find another West MI mama :) Thanks for the tutorial on popcorn. And I'll definitely be reading up on all of your cloth diapering info. I'll be new to it in about 12 weeks :)

  4. Sara, the fermented punch is super easy and very good. I just need to buy some lemons.

    I've never had kombucha. I hear great things about it, though. Maybe some day.

    I'm very excited about the cake. I hope it turns out well!

  5. Cool, let me know if you have any questions! :)
