
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Our Restaurant of Choice

Last night we ate at the best restaurant in town...Rebecca's Restaurant.  Or as she named it Rebecca's Rainbow.
Rebecca is becoming quite the little chef/baker/creator in the kitchen.  She likes to come up with her once a week menu.

But this week we did something different.  Justin had to go out to eat for a work dinner.  I kind of jokingly said that I should take the kids out to eat if he was going to be gone.  Rebecca thought I was serious...and started to cry when I told her we weren't really going out.  Me plus my two kids without my husband's help at a restaurant?  No thanks :P

I know what Rebecca likes to eat at restaurants.  And I know we can make much better versions at home.  So I thought...why not have a restaurant at home?  So we did!
I told Rebecca she could make the placemats and the menu.  We could eat at our breakfast's just like a booth at a restaurant.  She could order whatever she wants, and I'll be the cook.

We had a blast!!  Early in the day we made the placemats and menu.  She decorated my placemat.  I made one for her with games, etc. on it (like a kid's menu at a restaurant).  Then I wrote out the menu and she drew pictures of all of the food.

About 45 minutes before dinner we set the table with our placemats, silverware and water.  Rebecca got some crayons to work on her placemat.  And I took our orders.  Even Abram joined in the fun coloring in his high chair.

Rebecca ordered grilled cheese, peas, olives and a butterscotch milkshake.  No big surprises there :)  Abram and I had the same thing.  We all enjoyed our meal.  And I don't know if I've ever seen Rebecca eat that quickly.  She even asked for seconds!
I think the milkshake was the biggest hit.  Abram kept asking for more..."cup, cup, cup!"

We made our menu pretty extensive so that we can use it any time we want to visit Rebecca's Rainbow.  I think next time we go it'll be a pizza parlor.  And I suppose we'll let Justin join us ;)  We can add daily specials if we want to add to the menu or even make a full breakfast menu.  Or maybe just go out for dessert some time.
This was so much fun.  Rebecca got to pick out her favorite restaurant food...but I knew it was healthy since I was making it.  And Rebecca got to help with everything.  So she liked it even better than going to a real restaurant.
We rarely go out to eat.  I have so many food restrictions that it's hard to find something I can eat.  Abram only sits in a high chair for about 5 minutes before he starts screaming.  And Rebecca is too distracted in a restaurant to actually eat.
Now we can go out any time we want!  The next time your kids want to go out to eat try making a restaurant at home.  It can be fun for the whole family.  Older kids can take orders and help cook.  Even little ones can help make decorations.  Going "out" for dinner just got a lot healthier, a lot cheaper and a lot more fun.

This post is linked to Fat Tuesday, Real Food Wednesday, Fight Back Friday and Fresh Bites Friday.

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