
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Meal Plans Week of 9-30-12

Good (yaaawwnn) morning.  I think Abram finally went back to sleep.  He's been up for about the last 3 hours :(  Time for another round of sleep training I think.  He's at the point where he doesn't fall asleep when he nurses.  So he has to figure out some way to self sooth.  Hopefully it won't be a long process.
making homemade crayons
Last week was a bit draining on me since I didn't get a lot of sleep (for obvious reasons :P) and I did not feel very good (honestly I felt completely rotten).  But I managed to get the necessities done.  I only did one batch of applesauce.  I also made brownies (Justin needed a dessert for work), apple crisp, yogurt, ice cream and  my niece's baptism cake.  Rebecca and I also made crayons (post to come), set up a restaurant and did some leaf rubbings.

This week will be busy with family stuff.  Today we will be visiting my whole family for the baptism.  Monday is preschool.  Tuesday is farmer's market and kindermusik.  I also have an appt. with my psychologist.  Wednesday is preschool and Mommy and Me night for Rebecca's class.  I'm excited to meet the other moms.  Thursday I need to make a quick trip to Meijer for fresh produce for the weekend.  Friday we have MomBreak in the morning and preschool in the afternoon.  Then Justin's parents will be coming for the weekend.  Saturday Justin's brother and his fiance will be here.  We'll spend a good portion of the day with them at a picnic lunch and dinner at our house.  We're excited to meet Haylee for the first time!  Justin's parents will go to church with us on Sunday as well.  It'll be a busy weekend for sure.

So most of the stuff I do this week will be in preparation for the weekend.  Cleaning, baking, etc.  I'm hoping to make pesto, sour cream, muesli, cupcakes and maybe a pie.  I also need to get fall decorations up.  I think Rebecca will enjoy helping with that.

Like I mentioned last week was pretty rough.  My body is going through another bad round of die off from using apple cider vinegar as a digestive aid.  Unfortunately it works so well that now my body is trying to get rid of lots of junk...but it doesn't know how.  So that leaves me with digestive problems, cystic acne (not really acne...more like fluid filled bumps mostly on my face and scalp that look and feel awful), fatigue, irritability, headaches, bloating, swelling/joint/muscle pain, sores in my mouth, burning tongue,...lots of unpleasant stuff.  I think I'm on the upswing, but I'm still struggling.  It usually lasts two weeks.  This is week two.  Hopefully I can still feel ok for our party today.  And hopefully I'll be doing better by the weekend.  Nothing like hosting family/overnight guests/meeting new family when you feel rotten :\  Hopefully I'll have enough energy to get done what I need to.  I've been really dragging the last few days.  I've had to force myself to keep moving.

I'm still trying to figure out what (if any) supplements are helping.  And I'm researching candida.  Sometimes I feel like my body is full of toxins/yeast/bad bacteria that I need to get rid of.  But then again some people don't even think candida is real.  Every time I add some kind of cultured or fermented food to my diet I have more die off.  So it seems like something is in there causing problems.  Even just eating some yogurt and sour cream with lunch a few days this week seems to have made things flair again.  It's all so confusing still.  I just keep praying and trusting that God will meet my needs each day.  He has a plan, and He is in control of this crazy roller coaster I'm on.

Here's what's on the menu this week.
S - (prep dinner, church/baptism/family party, prep smoothies)
  B - zucchini cake, banana
  L - at party
  D - RR - mac 'n' cheese, corn, applesauce, chocolate milk

M (make hot fudge, make pudding, ps, make mayo)
  B - smoothie, zucchini cake
  D - fried chicken, peas, roasted potatoes

T (skim cream, make sc, prep dinner, freeze peppers, fm, km, Dr. V.)
  B - soft boiled egg, toast
  D - (prep ahead) - cp tomato soup, grilled cheese

W (make decorations, make muesli, chop vegetables, ps, m/m, wt)
  B - smoothie, muffins
  D - (light/easy clean up) - pork chops w/ apples over rice, carrots

Th (make cupcakes, clean, Good Will, Meijer, make ice cream)
  B - english muffin, yogurt
  D - pan white fish, baked potatoes, beans

F (soak beans, soak oats, frost/decorate cupcakes, MB, ps, Voogts, prep smoothies)
  B - cold cereal w/ milk, banana
  D - cp beef roast w/ vegetables, sd muffins, applesauce, cupcakes, ice cream

S (soak flour, prep yogurt, make beans, Voogts/picnic)
  B - soaked baked oatmeal, yogurt, fruit
  L - picnic (bring baked beans)
  D - (dairy free) - squash/chx soup, beer bread, peppers and carrot sticks, cupcakes

Sun (make biscuits, Voogts)
  B - soaked biscuits w/ butter/jam/pb/ab, smoothies, muesli w/ milk, fruit


  1. Hope you are feeling better as the day and week go on. Sounds pretty rotten, indeed. :(

    Is one of the Voogts dairy free? I noticed you noted that dinner on Saturday is dairy free.

  2. Both Kevin and Haylee are dairy free.

    Thankfully I was doing ok while at your house. We had a great time! Wish we could have stayed longer, but Abram couldn't last any longer. He was out cold within 2 minutes of getting in the car :) Rebecca and I got naps too!
