
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

End of Month Recap - October 2012

Here we are at the end of October...and looking through my goals I realize I did not accomplish many of them :P  In my defense I lost an entire week to the flu.  Plus we were busy.  Oh well.  Here's the recap.

1. Rebecca's Recipes - Rebecca still helps me plan meals and baking projects.  Even if they are not new recipes she still always has input.

2. Food preservation - I canned lots of applesauce and froze squash and peppers.

3. Once-A-Week Challenge - For the most part I stuck to this, except when I was sick.  I hope to continue this challenge.  I now call it Take It Out Tuesday.

4. Fall recipes - I've been enjoying using lots of squash, sweet potatoes and apples.


1. Supplements - I'm currently taking magnesium, cal-mag and a multi-vitamin daily.  I'm on and off with other supplements.  I haven't been taking much fermented cod liver oil lately since I'm not sure about how I handle ferments.  I should try it again, though since I know it is so heathy.  I need to be better about giving it to the kids as well.

2. Psychologist - I had another good appointment.  I'm looking forward to going back tomorrow.

3. Candida - I have a sample diet to look through and am still researching.

4. Homemade toothpaste and deodorant - I'm happy to finally have these restocked.


Rebecca - we had great M/D dates and are still working on focus and self control.  Some days are pretty good...others are a mystery to me and I feel lost.  But we're working on it.

a. Mommy-daughter date - Mommy and Me party at her school, Cinderella
b. Visualization and reasoning techniques to help with focus and self control.

Abram - Abram's speach is really picking up.  We keep working on the basics.  We didn't really get into potty training yet.  But I think it's coming soon.

a. Work on development/milestones - talking, numbers, letters, colors.
b. Organize closet.
c. Start potty training.

a. Writing - I'm still enjoying writing for GRNL and RFAH magazine.  The next issue of RFAH comes out tomorrow!!

b. Purpose - Pray about/seek purpose and ways to use my passions and talents - updates on this soon.

c. Sewing/hobbies - I hope to finish the matching aprons - not even close.  I had no time to work on sewing.

d. Clean/organize - I hope to get rid of more of my clothes (I've already cleaned out a lot) and buy a few new things. I'm realizing that I'm a 32 year old mother of two. I've had 3 major abdominal surgeries. My weight has changed. My body just is not shaped the same as it was 10 years ago. It's time to get rid of all of the old stuff and buy new stuff that works for the body I have now. Not to mention my clothing needs are different as a stay-at-home mom than they were when I was working. I still have a large assortments of button downs in my closet that I've hardly touched in years. It's time to really gut my closet and drawers.  I didn't have time for cleaning or shopping.  But I need to...SOON.

I also want to organize the craft/game area in our living room. If I can get it cleaned there will be space for Rebecca to have a little desk to do all of her writing/coloring. That is her favorite thing to do, and she is always looking for a spot to do it that Abram can't reach.  Thankfully I did get the craft area organized.  Rebecca loves having a little desk for all of her "projects."  And I love having a place for everything.

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