
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Real Food For The Holidays - An Online Cooking Class

Tomorrow is November...really!  I can't believe it either.  And it means that the holidays will be here very soon.

At this time of year we all get busy with planning parties, buying gifts, baking treats, etc.  It can be very hectic and very stressful.  This is not the time to reach for whatever is simple and quick.  This is the time to really take care of yourself and feed your family nourishing foods.

Ok, it sounds good, but what if all of your favorite holiday recipes use white flour and refined sugar?  They don't have to.  You can make all of the food you love with real, whole ingredients.  What if you don't even know where to start with cooking Real Food?

It may seem like a daunting task, but Jenny at Nourished Kitchen can help!!  Once again she is offering her Real Food For The Holidays online cooking class for only $89.

This is a 10 workshop course with 30 instructional videos.  It includes separate workshops for

  • Thanksgiving
  • Hanukkah
  • Sweet Treats, Cookies and Savory Holiday Treats
  • Harvest Dinner for Yule
  • Christmas
  • New Year's Eve and New Year's Day

You can access the workshops at any time, and your access never goes away.  You'll get

  • 10 Online workshops to help you cook better
  • 175 Real Food recipes for the holidays
  • 30+ Pre-designed menus
  • Mix-and-match menu planners
  • 30+ Instructional videos
  • Lifetime access to all materials
Real food for the holidays was $149. Save over 40% and get access to all workshops, recipes, menus and videos for just $89. This sale ends on November 21st. So you have to hurry.

Do you have special dietary restrictions?  No worries.  Each workshop includes menus and recipes that are suitable for restricted diets like GAPS, SCD, Paleo/Primal, Grain-free and Dairy-free.

Don't miss out!  Sign up for Real Food For The Holidays today.  Click here to learn more and sign up today.

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