
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Meal Plans Week of 10-28-12

The start of a new week...I couldn't be happier :)  Last week was brutal with the never-ending flu.  It got really bad for a bit.  I had to have Justin stay home to take care of the kids.  I could barely stand up.  I was on the verge of going in for an IV...but finally started to turn around.  It's been over a week since my flu started, and I'm still not 100% back to normal.  At least I'm getting there.
Needless to say I did not do a whole lot around the house last week.  I'm starting to dig us out of the mess that accumulated and the bathrooms have been scrubbed.  Yesterday I did finally get our craft area organized.  I'm so excited about that.  I think Rebecca is too.  We also had three days in a row of evenings out and late bed times.  So I didn't have evenings to get things done either.  We're all hoping to take it easy today and get ready for the week.
Tomorrow morning I am having a gall bladder ultrasound.  We'll see if that shows anything.  We're looking forward to trick-or-treating on Wednesday.  Thursday I have an appointment with my psychologist.  I'm anxious to report back to her our findings from the various meetings we've had lately (all positive stuff :).  This is also a Mom Break week.  Hopefully we can go this time.

My to-do list is pretty similar this week to last week since I didn't get much done.  I want to make pudding, toothpaste, deodorant, something sourdough and roast beets and squash.  And maybe, just maybe, I'll actually do some sewing this week...maybe.

With the flu my tummy was all over the place last week.  I went from one extreme to the other.  I was in a lot of pain.  My diet was poor because I was just trying to get anything down that I could stomach (like pizza, pop and powerade...eek).  I learned that I for sure can't do egg whites.  Let's just say I was not happy after breakfast on Friday.  I was tempted to have Justin come home again because I was in so much pain and couldn't stand up.  Thankfully it eased up a little by the time Abram woke up.

So for the last couple days I've been trying to give my body a little break.  I'm kind of doing a modified GAPS intro for a few days.  I've been living on chicken broth, white rice and pureed winter squash.  After the flu everything was so inflamed and unstable.  I just had to hit the reset button.  I can't say things have been perfect since then.  But they have been much calmer.  I re-read the GAPS intro diet.  I'm kind of following it except I'm also eating rice.  I need something more solid in my tummy or else it starts to get spastic.

You may wonder if I'm doing GAPS again now.  No.  I'm not.  This is not a huge change where I'm modifying my diet for the next year.  This is a very temporary thing.  I just need to give my body a break for a few days and hopefully experience some much needed healing.  I'll move through the stages over the course of a few days.  I started with just rice and broth.  Then I added squash.  Maybe today I'll add egg yolks and avocado.

I'm still reading about yeast/candida and histamines.  I've been avoiding foods with those for a few days as well.  It's been a lot easier this time around doing GAPS intro.  Knowing it's so temporary makes it so much easier mentally.  The hardest part is figuring out what to have for snacks.  I haven't been perfect.  But I still feel like I'm doing my body a favor by giving my gut a rest and some easy-to-digest nourishment.

On to the menu for this week.  The first couple days I'll be making regular meals for the family but sticking to GAPS foods myself.  Then I'll start expanding my diet.  I did try to plan more GAPS-legal meals this week to keep helping my tummy.  I'm also re-doing last week's "Take it out Tuesday" and doing grain/nut free.  We'll see how it goes.

S (prep lunch, church, make pudding, prep smoothies, decorate pumpkins)
  B - pancakes, fruit
  L - cp beef roast w/ potatoes, carrots and onions
  D - grilled pb and honey sandwiches, beans, butterscotch pudding

M (make toothpaste, make deodorant, GB, PS, clean)
  B - smoothie, fruit
  D - loaded baked potato w/ spaghetti sauce, cheese, broccoli, home canned applesauce

Take it out Tuesday - grain/nut free (chop veggies, prep breakfast, strain kefir, skim cream, make mayo, make ice cream , KM, CCS, prep squash)
  B - baked apples w/ vanilla yogurt
  D - gf salmon cakes (w/ coconut and bacon), roasted cauliflower, home canned applesauce

W (bake/freeze squash, roast beets, cook lentils, PS, makehot fudge, T-O-T)
  B - smoothie
  D - (easy clean up) - stuffed squash w/ bacon, lentils, peas and cheese, custard

Th (bake muffins or sweet bread for MB, prep dinner, Dr. V., WT, prep breakfast)
  B - baked apples, muffins
  D - (prep ahead) - cp roast chicken (make broth), beans, scalloped potatoes

F (organize or sew, prep food for MB, MB, PS)
  B - crockpot pumpkin custard
  D - bacon cheeseburgers, sweet potato fries, broccoli

S (organize and/or sew, clean, orchard?)
  B - bacon, toast, custard
  D - chicken nuggets, peas, roasted squash


  1. Glad you are feeling better, Mary! And so glad we got to see you guys last night!! I hope our meal at Jack's didn't set you back too much in your healing. I'm sure there were plenty of egg whites in the crab cakes :-/. I haven't eaten much read lately, so I am feeling particularly bloated this morning from the burger bun last night, but it'll pass quickly. I'm looking forward to going soy free for a couple of weeks now to see if it helps B's poo. But I am not looking forward to figuring out food at Disney since we now have confirmation that she is definitely allergic to dairy protein. :-/. I'll have to do some research on WDW food and see what options I might have to eat. Otherwise I can't wait for the trip and fun! :-)

    Hope you have a good, productive, and fun week!!

  2. I think I did ok with the crab cakes. I think I tolerate small amounts of egg white in things (like baked goods). But I had two fried eggs on Friday...way too much for my tummy. When I make things like salmon cakes now I just use egg be safe.

    I wondered if you ate much bread. It looked like that was a pretty thick bun. Good luck with the soy. That one is easy for me. Soy is one of my biggest problem foods. So I've been avoiding that for a long time. I get a tiny bit of soy lecitin every once in a while. But in general I don't eat anything with soy. It's annoying how much stuff has soy lecitin in it.

    I hope Disney goes well. There are a lot of food options there, so I bet you won't have any problems. You'll just have to skip out on the treats :P I can't wait to hear about your trip/see pics. Maybe someday we can go together.

  3. I don't eat much soy, either... and its mostly soy lecitin also. It is in way too many things.

    I hope that we can go to Disney World together some day - that would be so much fun!! Maybe we will be ready to go back when you guys feel ready to go with your kids. We're planning to go again when Bristol is 4 1/2 or 5. And we are thinking maybe a Disney Cruise in 2014... though that will depend on my work/income status at that time.
