
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Meal Plans Week of 10-7-12

A chilly fall morning here.  Perfect morning to have leftover soup for breakfast :)
We survived a busy weekend with out of town family.  Everyone had a great time.  We got to meet our future sister-in-law and celebrate my father-in-law's birthday (with special dairy free cupcakes with homemade frosting).  This week should be a bit more "normal" now.  We have our usual activities.  I might go to a Mom's Night Out.  I go back and forth because it's hard to find just about anything I can eat at a restaurant.  But I do enjoy a rare opportunity to socialize with other adults once in a while.  We might be joining a small group at church.  We're still waiting to hear about some details.  And there is a fall festival at church on Saturday.  No farmer's market anymore.  Last week was the end of ours.
I have quite a bit I'd like to get done in the kitchen this week.  I need to make more yogurt, pesto and soaked graham crackers.  I also need to get going on more applesauce.  I need to use up the apples we have, plus my father-in-law brought a bunch more.  He also brought lots of squash, so I'll be baking/freezing that too at some point.  I would like to do a baking project with Rebecca this week - either soft pretzels or bagels.  I want to work on some of my organizing projects and possibly sew.  I also want to make toothpaste and deodorant.  This may be way too ambitious.  We'll see how the week goes.

I had a good appointment with my psychologist last week.  We talked quite a bit about what I was doing to take care of myself...hmmm.  My doctor says I need to take some time for me.  Like take an evening to just go do something by myself or with some other ladies once in a while.  I know I could use a break...and it really is good for my sanity/mental health.  It's just hard to do.  But I will try...and hopefully Justin will help make it possible.  We did talk about some other stuff that is a bit overwhelming.  Maybe I'll touch more on that in the future when we have more concrete answers.  For now I'm just researching and praying.

On a more exciting note, our Mom Break speaker on Friday was from a neat place called Family Tree Therapies.  I really think they will be a great resource for us.  I hope to take Rebecca there someday in the near future.

One other exciting thing is that I was asked to join Village Green Network!  It's a network of Real Food bloggers.  I'm very excited for this new opportunity.  And I think there will be some blog changes in the future.  I've got a lot of work to do!

So on to this week.  Here's what's on the menu for now.  Today we have lots of leftovers to use up from our weekend of hosting.  And we're going to Rebecca's Restaurant for pizza tonight :)  Our "free" day this week will be gluten free.


S (organize office, church, make pizza dough/sauce, prep smoothies, soak flour)
  B - sd pumpkin muffins, zucchini bread, muesli w/ milk and yogurt, fruit, smoothies
  L - leftover roast beef, carrots and potatoes, baked beans, beer bread
  D - RR - made to order pizzas (chx sausage, peppers, onions, olives), milkshakes

M (make yogurt, make pesto, make soaked graham crackers, milk, ps)
  B - smoothie, soaked baked oatmeal
  D - ham and pesto pasta w/ homemade noodles, peas, garlic toast

T (skim cream, make/can applesauce, km, make ice cream, CCS)
  B - muffin, zucchini bread, grapes
  D - stuffed peppers, corn, pears

W (make/can applesauce, Meijer, ps, WT, soak flour) (Gluten Free Day)
  B - muesli, yogurt, fruit
  D - hot taco rice

Th (make/can applesauce, make bagels, MNO)
  B - muesli w/ milk
  D - (me - out to eat) - cheeseburger cups, beans, applesauce

F (make/can applesauce, Bible study)
  B - bagel w/ pb
  D - leftover cheeseburger cups

S(organize closet/shelf, Fall festival)
  B - TBD
  D - croque madame


  1. I just realized I never read this last week. Glad you guys had a fun time with the Voogts and got to meet Haylee finally! Looks like Rebecca had fun with her, too, from the picture.

    Cute cupcakes, too!

  2. I wasn't asked to do a word verification...
