
Monday, October 1, 2012

Monthly Goals - October 2012

It's October...time to bring out the fall decorations and all of our favorite fall recipes.  This month I want to keep up with food preservation and some crafts.  But I also want to find balance (as much as that's possible) and not try to overdo.  I want to be more relaxed and more patient with my kids.  If I get too busy I get stressed.  And it's not good for anyone.  So here's what's on the agenda for the month.

1. Rebecca's Recipes - continue to let Rebecca plan one meal a week...and serve it at Rebecca's Restaurant sometimes.

2. Food preservation - I would like to can more spaghetti sauce and applesauce and freeze more squash.  I will also be freezing peppers.  We're getting quite a few from our garden this year.

3. Once-A-Week Challenge - Once a week I want to make a "free" day.  I'll pick something to cut out of our diet for the day.  It could be gluten, wheat, grains, sugar, meat, dairy, etc.  I'll decide at the start of each week when I plan my meals.  I will use this as an opportunity to see if any small changes make an impact on Rebecca's behavior.  It will also be an opportunity to try new recipes and cooking techniques.

4. Fall recipes - I hope to use lots of pumpkin, squash and apples in my cooking and baking this month.


1. Supplements - I will continue to take cod liver oil, vitamins, magnesium, zypan and min-chex for now. I'll talk to my friend soon to see how things are going and if we need to adjust any of the supplements.

2. Psychologist - I will be seeing my psychologist once this month to work on strategies for parenting Rebecca.

3. Candida - I will continue to research candida and decide if a candida diet is something I want to pursue.

4. Homemade toothpaste and deodorant - I haven't been using either of these for a while.  I want to make a new batch of each and get back on track.



a. Mommy-daughter date - Mommy and Me party at her school.
b. Visualization and reasoning techniques to help with focus and self control.


a. Work on development/milestones - talking, numbers, letters, colors.
b. Organize closet.
c. Start potty training.

a. Writing - Continue writing for GRNL and RFAH magazine.

b. Purpose - Pray about/seek purpose and ways to use my passions and talents.

c. Sewing/hobbies - I hope to finish the matching aprons.

d. Clean/organize - I hope to get rid of more of my clothes (I've already cleaned out a lot) and buy a few new things.  I'm realizing that I'm a 32 year old mother of two.  I've had 3 major abdominal surgeries.  My weight has changed.  My body just is not shaped the same as it was 10 years ago.  It's time to get rid of all of the old stuff and buy new stuff that works for the body I have now.  Not to mention my clothing needs are different as a stay-at-home mom than they were when I was working.  I still have a large assortments of button downs in my closet that I've hardly touched in years.  It's time to really gut my closet and drawers.

I also want to organize the craft/game area in our living room.  If I can get it cleaned there will be space for Rebecca to have a little desk to do all of her writing/coloring.  That is her favorite thing to do, and she is always looking for a spot to do it that Abram can't reach.

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