
Friday, November 30, 2012

End Of Month Recap and Some Links - November 2012

November is coming to a close.  Which means Christmas is right around the corner!  And it means I've got a lot to do next month.  Here's how November went.

1. Rebecca's Recipes - Rebecca continues to be a big help with both planning and preparing food.

2. Food preservation - I froze squash and pumpkin.

3. Once-A-Week Challenge - I started the month continuing with Take It Out Tuesday for experimentation.  I have seen some trends in the process.  And I am taking note.  But none of the experiments will be a regular practice at this point.  I'm just gathering information right now in combination with other things.  Hopefully in the new year I'll have more direction.  It's mostly related to Rebecca's behavior and how she responds to certain foods.  When we have more clarification I will post an update.

4. Baking - We did our fair share of baking...and there is more to come.

1. Supplements - I started taking probiotics again.  Amazingly I didn't have a strong reaction.  I'm going to take them until I run out (which will be soon) and see if I notice any difference.

2. Psychologist - Good appointments as usual.

3. Candida - I have a sample diet to look through and am still researching - still looking into this.

4. New doctor - I am trying to set up an appointment with a new doctor but haven't gotten through yet.



1. Mommy-daughter-Grandma date - Build-A-Bear
2. Visualization and reasoning techniques to help with focus and self control.


1. Work on development/milestones - talking, numbers, letters, colors - he's really taking off.
2. Organize closet - not quite yet.  Although I did deal with his dresser.
3. Start potty training - we're slowly working on this.

1. Writing - Continue to write for GRNL and RFAH.

2. Purpose - I've been praying about this a lot in the last 6 months. I'm planning to do a separate update post soon.

3. Sewing/hobbies - STILL working on the aprons (I did a couple stitches this morning :P).  I need to have them done by Christmas.

4. Clean/organize - I got rid of/put away more clothes.  I also did some shopping.

5. Christmas prep - start shopping for gifts and working on Christmas cards - I've started.
November Links

Finally, here is a new part of my monthly recap.  Some links from other Real Food blogs that I think are worth taking a look at.

Confessions of a Baby Boomer - A post from a very experienced geriatric health care worker about how real food is the key and we need to stop pharmaceutical companies from driving health care at The Kitchen Rag.

A recipe for Chocolate French Silk Pie from Our Nourishing Roots.  This looks amazing!

Confessions of a Picky Eater from Granny's Vital Vittles reminds us of how critical it is to eat nutrient dense foods.  If your child is finicky or your kids won't eat check this out.

Ever wonder if raw meat is healthy?  Gutsy answers your questions.

I like some principles of attachment parenting.  But I also know not all of it works for everyone.  This is a wonderful post from Holisic Squid about why she ditched AP (we don't follow all of it either...definitely no kids in our bed!).

I love this post about why calories don't count from Empowered Sustenance.  I completely agree.  Stop looking for "low cal" food.  Start looking for real food.

I hope you've had a great November.  Stop by tomorrow to see what's in store for me in December.

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