
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Meal Plans Week of 11-25-12

The Thanksgiving kitchen chaos is over.  We didn't really have a traditional celebration this year, but I still spent three days in the kitchen making food.  We brought dinner to my grandparents on Thanksgiving and had a guest over the next day.  It took a lot of work to prepare and deliver an entire Thanksgiving dinner.  I'm glad to finally have my kitchen and refrigerator back...and leftovers put away/mostly used up.
It was tough to rotate food with a refrigerator literally bursting with leftovers.  But I did my best to at least go for some variety.
Delivered dinner...with no spills :)
It was nice to have Justin home last week.  I was able to go to a yoga class (I'm still sore!) and finally go clothes shopping.  I got quite a bit but I still have a few items I need.
This week is back to the normal routine.  Plus I have an appointment with my psychologist.  And I'm hoping to go to a couple yoga classes.  We also have Bible study.

I've really been trying to rotate foods and get more variety.  Last week my list of vegetables included squash, pumpkin, peas, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, fennel, brussels sprouts, avocado, lettuce, mushrooms, carrots and white beans.  Not bad.  I honestly think it's  helping.  I know it's too early to really tell.  But overall I think it's good.  And it does help pick out problem foods.  I've found that I still can't tolerate my big culprit foods (like onions and carrots).  But I have been able to eat small amounts of some foods like nuts, dried fruit and grapes.  I still struggle with much fiber in my diet.  But I am trying to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Meals this week were tough.  I have quite a few prep ahead nights, which limits choices.  It doesn't help that I didn't start planning until last night :P  I was so busy all week in the kitchen and keeping up with other writing/posts.  So I did my best.  I'm sure some things will change as the week goes on.

I'm not sure what my extras will be this week.  I really would like to focus some of my energy on sewing.  Other possibilities are banana bread, homemade cereal, granola, soaked grahams, Christmas cookies, Oreos and yogurt.

Lastly I wanted to remind everyone to check out Village Green Network.  It is a wonderful resource/network for Real Food writers and readers.

S (prep breakfast and lunch, church, prep smoothies)
  B - banana pineapple yogurt w/ granola, grapes (J), vanilla yogurt w/ mac. nuts, raisins and soaked grahams (M)
  L - turkey shepherd's pie, sea foam salad, rolls, fennel, avocado
  D - pumpkin pancake and sausage muffins (w/ coconut flour and white rice flour), fresh pineapple, pumpkin pie milkshakes

M (make banana bread, milk, PS, yoga, soak beans)
  B - smoothie, banana bread (J), broccoli and cauliflower w/ hummus (M)
  L - leftover shepherd's pie (J), salad (M)
  D - (separate/prep ahead) - cp peppercorn steak

T (cook beans, boil egg, prep dinner, KM, make muesli, Dr. V.)
  B - hard boiled egg, toast (J), sauteed kohlrabi and mushrooms w/ avocado and beans, pineapple (M)
  L - shepherd's pie (J), chicken nuggets w/ honey mustard, sauteed cauliflower (M)
  D - (prep ahead) - bean burrito bake, peas (J), salad (M)

W (make yogurt, bake cookies, PS)
  B - smoothie, banana bread (J), yogurt, blueberries, graham crackers, peas (M)
  L - at work (J),  squash soup, peas, kohlrabit (M)
  D - baked salmon, mashed cauliflower, caramelized brussels sprouts, french fries

Th (prep breakfast, baking w/ Rebecca and Abram - coconut flour bread, yoga)
  B - yogurt, muesli, fruit (J), squash soup, mashed cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, avocado (M)
  L -  peppercorn steak (J), coconut flour bread w/ butter (M)
  D - (separate/prep ahead) - leftover burrito bake, broccoli, peaches

F (prep breakfast, make mayo, sewing, PS, BS)
  B - TBD from freezer (J), sauteed veggies w/ scrambled egg yolks (M)
  L - burritos (J), sauteed veggies, soaked grahams (M)
  D - (easy clean up) - french toast, sausage, beans, fresh fruit

S (clean, shop?)
  B - french toast, sausage (J), smoothie (M)
  L -  spaghetti (J), sauteed veggies/salad (M)
  D - TBD chicken, baked carnival squash

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