
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Holiday Brie En Croute

Every so often Justin points out a recipe in our local newspaper.  I usually glance at it and comment on how junky it is or that I have no need for more recipes to set on my counter and forget about.
Last week he saw a recipe for brie en croute.  Basically brie cheese in puff pastry.  Normally I wouldn't make it.  But we were having a guest over last night.  So I decided to make it for our appetizer.

I can't say it was the healthiest appetizer...I used store bought puff pastry...which has HFCS and soy lecithin.

But the rest of it was quality food (homemade jam, crispy nuts, organic dried cranberries).  And it tasted really good :)

If your body can handle a little bit of "not so real" food once in a while give this a try!  Even my kids liked it.
It is a great appetizer for a holiday gathering.

What would make it better?  Homemade puff pastry.  Maybe someday I'll have to try that (a fun project with the kids).  Have you ever made puff pastry?

I could only find an 8 oz. package of brie, so I made a slightly smaller version than the original recipe.  I'll post it the way I made it.
Holiday Brie En Croute

1/2 package frozen puff pastry dough
1 egg
1 Tbsp. water
1/3 cup preserves or jam of choice (I used homemad strawberry raspberry jam)
1/4 cup dried cranberries, softened in hot water for one minute
1/4 cup crispy nuts of choice, sliced or chopped (I used chopped pecans)
1 8 oz.l round of brie cheese

savory crackers of choice

Thaw pastry sheet at room temperature for 30-60 minutes.  Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Mix egg and water.  Set aside.

Unfold pastry sheet on lightly floured surface.  Roll into a 12 inch square.  Cut off corners to make a circle.

Spread preserves to within 1 inch of the pastry edge.  Sprinkle cranberries and nuts over preserves.

Top with cheese (I've never used brie cheese before...I think you can eat the white stuff on the outside...but I cut it off :).

Brush the edge of the circle iwth the egg mixture.  Fodl two opposite sides over the cheese.  Fold the other sides over the cheese.  Press the edges to seal (be sure to seal it well!...mine leaked a little filling out).

Place seam-side down on a parchment lined baking sheet.  Decorate the top with the puff pastry scraps if desired.*  Brush the top with the egg mixture.

Bake 20 minutes or until golden.  Let stand one hour before serving.

Serve with crackers and vegetables.

*I sprinkled my pastry scraps with cinnamon and sugar and baked them at the same time.


  1. Looks good! This is what Julie makes quite often. She doesn't always put it in puff pastry, though she has sometimes. But the rest is all the same. I love it!

  2. I knew she made something similar (w/ brie, nuts and dried fruit). But didn't remember exactly how and if she used puff pastry.
