
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Meal Plans Week of 11-4-12

As of 7:00 last night I had no meals planned :P  But I think I managed to fill in every day now.  I was busy last week working on my writing assignments whenever I had a few minutes at the computer (which wasn't often since Abram had a lot of early mornings) so meal plans got put on hold.

This will be a fairly busy week, but nothing out of the ordinary...aside from voting.  If I feel up for it I could make a trip to Heffron Farms and/or to the mall.  I'm considering a family shopping trip and dinner at the mall on Saturday.  We'll see.
I ended up being pretty busy in the kitchen last week.  I found out part way through the week I had to bring food for Mom Break.  So that added a couple extras.  I worked my way through the rest of the squash from my FIL...and then Rebecca and I went to the orchard yesterday and bought 12 more!  Plus 3 pumpkins.  I also made two batches of mayo, ice cream, kefir, toothpaste, deodorant, pudding, hot fudge, breakfast cookies and roasted beets.  I tried a new pumpkin custard recipe (recipe/review to come).  I went through about 6 dozen eggs last week!  Yes, I did a lot of cooking/baking :P

I have a long list of things I might do this week.  But then again I might scrap most of it and finally spend some time sewing.  We'll see how I feel.  My list of maybes: yogurt, smoothies, kefir, pesto, bake/freeze pumpkin/squash, roast beets, bake blueberry pie (a homemade pie that's been in my freezer forever), graham crackers (soaked and regular), ice cream cones, pretzels, popcorn, vanilla wafers.

I've been up and down.  Just when I think I'm finally figuring something out...then I read something else that contradicts it.  I had a whole post forming in my head for an update...but now I'm not sure.  I might still do the post, but I have a lot of questions.  I think it's time to make an appointment with a new doctor and have some real testing done.  I'm so sick of the guessing game.  The time change is definitely not doing me any favors either.  Nor is having Halloween candy in the house :P

I started my probiotic again last week.  I haven't taken one in a while.  We'll see what that does.  I was pretty good about eating lots of broth last week.  You'd think that I'd be feeling great from it...but any time I do something good for my body I go through more die off and feel worse.  It's tough (more on that in the future update post).

I did more research on histamine intolerance.  I also read about using a rotational diet to avoid deficiencies and avoid creating sensitivities.  One more thing to think about.

After our trip to the orchard yesterday I gave in and had a fresh apple for lunch...just to see how it would go/if my body has changed.  I can say that I definitely still can't tolerate apples :(  I had almost an instant reaction.  I don't care to bring back those old feelings of years ago when I ate apples (and some of my other major intolerances) almost daily.

I had a good appointment with my psychologist...which is leading to yet another new doctor.  I know it's helpful, but I'm sick of all of these doctor appointments.  Hopefully soon we'll have more clear direction about both myself and Rebecca and we can get on with treatment/healing instead of doctors and guessing.  I do my best to research and experiment on my own.  But sometimes you just need help from people that have more expertise.

On to the menu.  For our Take It Out Tuesday I'm doing packaged foods/soy.  This may sound strange from someone that is all about homemade foods.  But it is pretty common to at least once in a while grab something out of a box or bag.  Maybe a few organic crackers when we're in a rush and need a snack.  Or a few chocolate chips (with soy) added to a breakfast cookie.  We don't consume a lot for sure.  But I want to have a day that is absolutely free of any of it.  Only homemade whole foods.

S (prep lunch, make pesto, make smoothies, church, orchestra concert, pm church, bake blueberry pie, soak beans, soak flour, make kefir)
  B - breakfast cookies, pumpkin custard
  L - cp beef tenderloin, carrots and peppers, pesto rice
  D (separate) - leftover burgers, leftover chicken nuggets, leftover sweet potato fries, peas, milkshakes

M (cook beans, make graham crackers, strain kefir, milk, pediatrician, PS)
  B - smoothie, breakfast cookies
  D - white chicken chili, corn free cornbread (experiment)

Take It Out Tuesday - packaged food/soy (cook sweet potatoes, make yogurt, prep breakfast, vote, KM, make popcorn)
  B - strawberry lemonade yogurt, granola, grapes
  D - honey glazed pork chops, sweet potato casserole, beans

W (prep squash, bake/freeze squash, roast beets, Meijer, PS)
  B - smoothie, TBD from freezer
  D - hot dogs, squash fries, custard

Th (sewing, HF?, dentist, bake w/ Rebecca - ice cream cones, vanilla wafers or graham crackers)
  B - granola bar, banana, yogurt
  D - beef and broccoli stir fry over rice

F (sewing?, make breakfast, PS, Bible study?/mom over)
  B - tapioca pudding, fruit
  D (easy clean up) - squash egg puffs, bread pudding, peas

S (bake/freeze pumpkin, shopping?, make pretzels?)
  B - bread pudding, fruit
  D - pumpkin soup, pretzels or shopping/out to eat


  1. Sounds like a busy week! Good luck with the sewing! I am hoping to have time to do some sewing myself in the evenings this week... If I ever finish editing photos. :)

    Your meals sound great! I need to pick up some more spaghetti squash - we love it and I am out!

    Are you not planning to go up to the hospital at all this week? We wish we were closer so we could.

  2. Not sure about the hospital. I don't know any of the details about how long he'll be there, if kids are allowed, etc. I have to talk to my mom first.
