
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Monthly Goals - November 2012

November is here.  Time for some new goals.  I'll keep working on some from last month that I didn't get to.  And add a few new ones.

1. Rebecca's Recipes - Let Rebecca help plan meals and baking projects and come up with new recipes.  Just this week she asked to make strawberry shortcake ice we did of course :)

2. Food preservation - I would like to freeze squash and pumpkin and can spaghetti sauce.

3. Once-A-Week Challenge - I am going to continue Take It Out Tuesday.  I would also like to have a full week of take outs to see how it impacts all of us.  I'm already noticing some trends, but I want to experiment further before I give any updates.

4. Baking - I can't head into the holidays without some baking :P  Hopefully we'll do some experimenting.  Any suggestions/requests for homemade versions of favorite goodies?

1. Supplements - I'm currently taking magnesium, cal-mag and a multi-vitamin daily.  I am going to start taking cod liver oil and probiotics again...see what happens.  I think I need probiotics, but I've got to take them much more long term than I have in the past.  See if that helps.  I'm just dreading the die off :\

2. Psychologist - I have two appointments this today!

3. Candida - I have a sample diet to look through and am still researching.

4. New doctor - I've kind of run into a dead end with traditional doctors.  I might finally go see someone a little more natural minded to have an evaluation and hopefully get more help.



1. Mommy-daughter date - TBD - Build-A-Bear?
2. Visualization and reasoning techniques to help with focus and self control.


1. Work on development/milestones - talking, numbers, letters, colors.
2. Organize closet.
3. Start potty training.

1. Writing - Continue to write for GRNL and RFAH.

2. Purpose - I've been praying about this a lot in the last 6 months.  I'm planning to do a separate update post soon.

3. Sewing/hobbies - I hope to finish the matching aprons.

4. Clean/organize - I hope to get rid of more of my clothes (I've already cleaned out a lot) and buy a few new things. I'm realizing that I'm a 32 year old mother of two. I've had 3 major abdominal surgeries. My weight has changed. My body just is not shaped the same as it was 10 years ago. It's time to get rid of all of the old stuff and buy new stuff that works for the body I have now. Not to mention my clothing needs are different as a stay-at-home mom than they were when I was working. I still have a large assortments of button downs in my closet that I've hardly touched in years. It's time to really gut my closet and drawers.

5. Christmas prep - start shopping for gifts and working on Christmas cards.

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