
Friday, December 14, 2012

Easy Yeast Free Bread

In order to help with my gut issues I've been experimenting with avoiding food with yeast lately.  Not to mention making food with yeast is a longer process.

Last week I needed a quick bread to go with our soup.  I did a little searching and found a few recipes for yeast free bread.  They were all very similar.  So I kind of combined them to make my own.

The result was just what I wanted.  Very slightly sweet.  Not overly dense.  No need to wait for rising.  This was my kind of bread.  It's like a cross between a sweet bread and a yeast bread.

I mostly ate it spread with lots of butter and sprinkled with sea salt.  I also used some of it to make croutons for my salad.  A perfect grab and go snack when I need some carbohydrates.
Yeast Free Bread

3 cups whole wheat flour
1 3/4 cups liquid (water, milk, kefir or buttermilk...I used a combination)
2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/4 cup maple syrup

Heat oven to 350 degress F.

Mix all ingredients.

Pour into a greased 9" loaf pan.

Bake 45 - 55 minutes.  Let cool for 30 minutes before removing from pan.

1 comment:

  1. This looks good. I might have to give it a try because it sounds so easy!
