
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Graham Griddle Cakes

Last weekend I decided to make pancakes for breakfast.  I flipped through all of my usual recipes and came across one that I haven't made in years.  They are called graham griddle cakes.  You replace some flour with crushed graham crackers.  Brilliant!  Perfect for this graham cracker lover :)
You can use store bought organic grahams or homemade.  Let the food processor do all the crushing and mixing for you.

I adjusted the recipe so that it doesn't contain baking powder (cornstarch) or egg whites.

Slightly sweeter than your typical pancake, these are a real treat.  Cover them with lots of real butter and pure maple syrup...yum!
I'm a big fan of salty/sweet combinations.  And I've been sticking to yeast-free "breads" lately.  So these were just what I needed.  I used one as bread for a bacon avocado sandwich.  I also ate some like bread - warmed, topped with butter and a little sea salt.  Delicious!!

Tired of your usual pancake recipes?  Try adding a touch of sweetness with graham crackers.
Graham Griddle Cakes (or yeast free sweet bread)
makes 6-8 pancakes

3/4 cups whole wheat flour
3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs
2 Tbsp. sucanat or organic brown cane sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp. butter, melted
2 egg yolks (or one whole egg)

1/2 cup chopped crispy nuts and/or soy free chocolate chips (optional)

Process graham crackers in food processor until turned into crumbs.  Add flour, sugar, soda and salt.  Pulse to mix.  Pour mixture into a bowl.

Add milk, butter and eggs.  Stir well.  Add nuts or chocolate chips if desired.

Scoop 1/4 - 1/3 cup batter onto a hot buttered griddle per pancake.  Cook until bubbly.  Flip and cook for another 60 seconds.

Serve warm with butter and maple syrup or honey.

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