
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 8-11-13

Mid August already??  I can't believe school starts in just a few weeks.  I love the lazy days of summer.  But I also think the whole family could use a little more routine.  But until then we're trying to have some fun.

Last week was very busy.  I had to scrap quite a few baking projects.  But it was also a good week.  I'll explain more below.

This week will be busy as well.  We have church today.  Tomorrow we are going to Michigan's Adventure!  We try to go every summer.  Rebecca is very excited.  Hopefully Abram will want to ride something...he's not really a big fan of swings, rides, etc.

This week Rebecca still has her dance/gymnastics class.  We have to go to the farmer's market.  We have to stop by a local dance studio to sign Rebecca up for fall classes.  Rebecca has a speech therapy appointment.  I have a MomBreak retreat one evening.  And we're going to a family fun event at my husband's work.

I have a list about a mile long of things I need to do in the kitchen.  But not much time.  So we'll see what I get to.  Some potentials are gf graham crackers, pesto, gf butter crackers, gf "oreos", an appetizer for my retreat (no idea what that will be yet), granola and toothpaste.  I have a ton of zucchini to deal with.  So I'm hoping to freeze some of it, use some in a casserole and make muffins.  I also have to make kefir and smoothies.

On to the good stuff.  I think I'm finally (FINALLY!!) making some true progress on healing.  I still have a lot of swelling/puffiness that I hope will gradually start to go down now (it would be nice if my wedding ring wasn't so tight! :P).  My acne is horrible.  I know my body is trying to get a lot of junk out.  But I'm thankful to at least be at this point.  To help with the process I'm going to (again finally!) do a liver cleanse this week.  I'll probably start that on Tuesday.

I got my blood work results last week.  And for once it was some good news!!  No autoimmune issues.  I'm gradually learning that my body is quite healthy and capable of full healing.  I don't have any major underlying diseases or conditions.  I just need to give my body proper rest, nutrition and exercise.  I need to find a good balance of everything and let go of my stress/worries/anxiety.  And I'm already working on ways to make this happen.

One more good thing last husband and I finally got to celebrate our 10th anniversary with a rare night out.  We went to an awesome restaurant (I'll post a little review and pics soon) and to the movies.  It was nice to have a chance to sit together and talk through some of the stuff going on in our lives.  We discussed some more steps towards healing both for myself and for our whole family.  I'll be doing some research on water filters and chiropractors now :)

And worth a mention is that Rebecca lost her 3rd tooth.  The process was quite difficult since it really spiked her anxiety.  But we are so glad it finally came out.  She has three more that are loose.  We'll see how long those take to come out.

On to the menu.  Nothing fancy this week.  And a few uncertain meals since I'm not quite sure when we'll be home from some events.  I'll fill it in as the week goes on.  Enjoy your week.  Eet smakelijk!


S (freeze zucchini, prep lunch, church, prep smoothies, soak flour)
  B - pancakes, fruit salad, bacon
  L - cp chicken meatballs, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas
  D - BLTs, beans, peaches w/ yogurt

M (make zucchini muffins, MA)
  B - smoothie, zucchini muffins
  L - picnic - balogna (locally made) sandwiches, yogurt, fruit, olives, carrot sticks, chips, lemonade
  D - ? eggs?

T (make chocolate cookies, make granola, FM, dance sign up, prep dinner, D/G)
  B - yogurt, granola, fruit
  D - (prep ahead) - cp 7 layer dinner

W (make pesto, freeze corn, make hot fudge make oreos, SP)
  B - smoothie, granola bar
  D - zucchini pesto casserole, corn on the cob, fruit salad

Th (make crackers, boil eggs, make brownies, prep dinner, D/G, MB)
  B - hard boiled egg, toast
  D - (prep ahead) - cp beef vegetable soup, crackers w/ cheese

F (make toothpaste, work party)
  B - toast w/ almond butter, fruit
  D - at party - bring supplemental food

S (sleep, make "oreos")
  B - oatmeal w/ fruit
  D - grill TBD

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