
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 8-18-13

August really needs to slow down!  I'm not quite ready for school and activities to start.  Only 2 more weeks!!

I haven't been quite as busy in the kitchen lately...which is why I didn't post all last week.  I just wasn't up for it.  We had busy days, and my body is so worn out during this healing process.  I'm not sure what this week will bring since we will be plenty busy again.  My plan is to do enough to keep a few snacks on hand, but not stress myself.  And when school starts I can do my baking when Rebecca is at school and Abram is napping.

This week we have church, grocery shopping, a doctor's appointment for me to finally get my thyroid results, farmer's market, dance/gymnastics camp, milk pick up, a meeting at church about food/snacks, an outing with other couples from our church (big thanks to my parents for coming to take care of the kids!) and some friends from church visiting (they used to live in our house).

I would like to make another batch of zucchini muffins this week (watch for the recipe!), gf graham crackers, and some safe snacks for myself.  I also need to make a dish to pass for our outing.  And some kind of dessert for our guests on Saturday.  I'm starting to freeze corn (did about a dozen ears last week).  Soon I need to can peaches and spaghetti sauce (we're just starting to get tomatoes from our garden).

Meal planning was tough this week since I need a prep ahead meal almost every day.  I think I came up with something acceptable for most days.  The hard part is that Abram won't eat things like casseroles and soups where the food is mixed together.  I hope I can figure out how to feed him  healthy foods along side the other stuff we're having.

I definitely think I'm making progress on healing.  But that doesn't mean I feel good :P  I'm in the middle of the really hard part.  And I never do anything simply.  I go for it all...trying to heal from disordered eating, obsessive compulsive disorder and a miscarriage all at once.  May as well.  It's a painful process with fluid retention/swelling, weight gain, aching joints and muscles, headaches, acne, hair falling out, digestive upset.  It's very tough mentally as well.  But I'm trying to keep my focus on how good I'll feel when this is all over and keep pushing myself to eat well and take care of my body.

Friday night I managed to get almost 9 hours of sleep and push myself a little more on sleeping in.  At the beginning of the year I was getting up at 4 am ever day.  Yesterday I slept until 6:30.  That's a big step for me.  OCD is a nasty thing, but I'm trying hard to overcome it.  And that extra rest was great for my body.  It meant that I felt rotten on Saturday since the rest spurred on more healing.  But that's a good thing.

I hope at some point I can do an update post with good news about healing and being past this phase.  For now this is where I'm at.  It could be another month or two before my body starts to balance out again.  I'm trusting that God will guide me through it and that He has great plans for me.

I hope you have a healthy and happy week.  Eet Smakelijk!


S (prep lunch, church, prep smoothies, make gf graham crackers, prep scones)
  B - oatmeal w/ peach topping
  L - cp round steak, baked sweet potatoes, beans
  D - scrambled eggs, bacon, roasted veggies, fruit, toast

M (bake scones, Meijer, Dr. A., soak flour)
  B - smoothie, scones
  D - (prep ahead) - cp honey mustard chicken and rice

T (FM, prep dinner, bake muffins, D/G, soak flour)
  B - yogurt, granola, fruit
  D - (prep ahead) - pea soup, chocolate zucchini muffins

W (make gf bars, milk)
  B - smoothie, scones
  D - pan seared salmon, baked potatoes, broccoli w/ cheese sauce bacon, toast, broccoli

Th (church mtg, D/G)
  B - hard boiled egg, toast yogurt, scone
  D - (prep ahead) - cp stuffed peppers and zucchini, fruit cp tator tot casserole, applesauce

F (clean, make fruit salad, tweeners)
  B - yogurt, granola, fruit
  D - at event, bring fruit salad / meal for parents and kids...salad, bread, cheese, grapes, peas, pb honey sandwiches

S (sleep, bake treats, friends)
  B - TBD
  D - grill TBD


  1. Mary I have a question
    If a recipe calls for evaporated milk what can I substitute it for as I am dairy free. Would plain almond milk work?

  2. Almond milk would probably work fine. Maybe use a little less since it has more liquid? Or add a little arrowroot, tapioca flour or cornstarch to thicken it.

  3. I agree, I wish August would sloooooow down, too! I'm not ready for September and the start of school yet!!!

    I hope you see some big improvements and further healing soon and that you start feeling really good very soon. Sounds like you are making progress.

    Hope you and Justin had fun and your kids and parents, too. I had to take a vacation day and miss a meeting in the governor's office. But I checked quite a few things off my to-do list and had fun with the kids at the park, shopping, having a picnic, visiting the library, and swimming, though. :)

    Have fun tomorrow! How neat to be having the people that used to live in your house over. Do they have kids your kids' age?
