
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 9-15-13

Wow, life sure is getting busy!  I'm sure it will only get crazier as my kids get older.  But for now this is about as much as I care to do - church, school, Kindermusik, dance, soccer,'s already getting hard to keep up.  I'm thankful I had a couple of days last week that I was able to put my feet up and squeeze in some naps.

In the last 24 hours I've gone through about a 1/2 bushel of pears.  There are a few left in the fridge for eating.  I'm hoping to get another 1/2 bushel (or more) soon.  I canned one round of pearsauce.  And I'd like to do more.  I also did a lot of holiday baking last week while working on a magazine article.
We have our usual activities this week.  Plus I have a psychologist appointment.  We have to go grocery shopping.  And we have our first MomBreak meeting.  It would be nice to get to the orchard again.  We'll see if we can squeeze it in.  At some point it would be nice to go apple picking too.

I still have a 1/2 bushel of peaches to work through.  My canner is on the stove, and my simple syrup is made.  So hopefully I can get at least one round of canning in today.  If I get more pears I'd like to do pearsauce and canned pears.  I also need to do a round of salsa at some point.  And I'd like to make more spaghetti sauce.

I'm still taking things one day at a time.  Some days I feel so hopeful.  And some days I feel discouraged.  But I just try to keep going.  I know God is doing great things.

I promise, I have a couple new recipes to share.  Be on the lookout!!

I'm going for a simple menu this week.  We have a potluck at church today.  I have a pear crisp in the oven right now for that.  I have to do several prep ahead meals this week.  What are you eating?  Eet smakelijk!


S (make pear crisp, make syrup, church, potluck, can peaches, prep smoothies)
  B - egg puff, toast
  L - at church - bring pear crisp
  D - (separate) - chili, gf corn muffins

M (make peach pie, soak flour, Dr. V.)
  B - granola bar, smoothie
  D - (prep ahead) - meatloaf, baked potatoes, squash

T (bake muffins, chop veggies, FM, A-KM, R-KM)
  B - yogurt, peach muffins
  D - (quick prep) - grilled cheese, tomato soup

W (Meijer (refrigerator broke), soak beans, refrigerator shopping)
  B - smoothie, peach muffins
  D - TBD chicken breasts, TBD sweet potatoes, broccoli

Th (boil eggs clean/restock new fridge, Meijer, dance)
  B - hard boiled egg, toast baked oatmeal w/ milk
  D - (prep ahead/early) - cp rice and beans pasta chicken salad, corn muffins, broccoli

F (make egg dish, boil egg, MB)
  B - hb egg, toast
  D - gf pancakes, bacon, peas, fruit

S (soccer)
  B - pancakes
  D - homemade pizza

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