
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 9-8-13

September is in full swing now.  Last week was our kick off week of activities and school.  And it was quite a whirlwind week in my kitchen too!  Lots of canning, freezing, baking and cleaning.  I'm not sure I can maintain that pace each week.  But I'll try to keep up.
First day of kindergarten.
This week we add two activities to our list.  Both kids have Kindermusik on Tuesdays (not really looking forward to the chaos of that day...KM, school, KM back-to-back-to-back).  Both kids are so excited to see Miss Lynette and all of their friends again.  Rebecca and Abram will both be starting soccer on Saturday as well.  Aside from that we have milk pick up and we'll be having dinner with one of my husband's co-workers.  I also might make a trip to the orchard to stock up on pears and peaches.

Needless to say I'll be spending a lot of time in the kitchen this week.  It's prime canning season.  I want to do one more 1/2 bushel of peaches (about another 20 qts.).  I also want to start on pears and pearsauce.  I need to do more spaghetti sauce and some salsa.  But those will have to wait.

I need to do some breakfast food baking - breakfast cookies and maybe banana muffins.  I have to make sure I have enough snacks for Rebecca to have at school.  And I have an article due by the end of the week that I might have to do some experimental baking and photography for.

This does sound a little daunting.  But I'll just take it one day at a time.
First dance class.
My health update is overall very good!  My body temperature is the highest I've ever seen it.  I've had lots of energy.  My OCD has gone way down.  My anxiety has been way down.  I've been calmer and more patient.  What a wonderful change.  God is doing amazing things in me and through me.  I still have some swelling, and my body is definitely still healing.  But I can see progress.  And that keeps me going.  I can't wait to do a big update someday when I'm farther along in this process.

I tried to go for simple and practical with the menu this week.  We'll see how much energy I have by dinner time each night if I need to go even simpler :P  What's on your menu this week?  Have a wonderful week.  Eet Smakelijk!


S (prep lunch, church, prep smoothies, soak flour, bake/decorate cupcakes)
  B - yogurt, granola, fruit
  L - cp rustic chicken stew
  D - avocado chicken salad sandwiches with bacon, peas, fruit

M (bake breakfast cookies, orchard?, can peaches?, bake gf vanilla wafers, bake with cookie press)
  B - gf breakfast cookies, smoothies
  D - sweet and sour meatballs, beans

T (bake banana bread, FM, AKM, can peaches, RKM)
  B - yogurt, banana bread
  D - pumpkin pasta, corn, garlic toast

W (can peaches, roast beets, clean kitchen, milk)
  B - gf breakfast cookies, smoothies
  D - salmon fish sticks, baked sweet potatoes, broccoli

Th (bake bread, orchard, dance)
  B - hard boiled egg, toast
  D - (early/separate) - squash soup, bread

F (steering team mtg, make gummies)
  B - banana bread, fruit, nuts
  D - baked egg puffs, smoothies, peas

S (make/can pearsauce, soccer, dinner out)
  B - egg puffs, toast
  D - at friends house

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