
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Meal Plans Week of 9-29-13

I'm taking a deep breath and relaxing a little this husband is finally home after a week in Bulgaria and France!  I think I was extra anxious all week with him gone.  Plus there were other things going on.  And my body felt it!!  It's good to feel relaxed and feel toasty warm (actually quite hot) again this morning.
Surprising Daddy at the airport.
I did not have much time at the computer last week since I was on my own with the kids, so I did not have time to plan meals.  But I'm hoping I can fill them in this morning before anyone gets up.

This week will be super busy.  There will be lots of fun things happening.  But I wish it wasn't all in one week.  We have our usual church, school, Kindermusik, dance and soccer.  We also have milk pick up. I have meeting at church.  This week is observation week at dance, so I'll be staying there to watch Rebecca.  We have MomBreak.  My in-laws will be here for the weekend.  And we'll be going to a ballet.

Rebecca's [Cup]Cake Wars creation/display as a welcome home surprise for Daddy.
I have a lot of stuff I want to do in the kitchen this week.  But I also feel like my body needs some extra rest to recover from last week.  So I'll have to pick and choose and find balance.  I have to make some food for our MomBreak meeting.  I want to make squash scones, pumpkin bars and spaghetti sauce (I got a bunch of tomatoes from my grandparents).  It would be nice to make some breakfast foods for the family.  But I might just have to use stuff out of the freezer.
Last week I learned that I still need to be very careful about some of my sensitivities.  Especially gluten.  I made some delicious pizza, but my body was not too happy with it.  I had a lot of little stresses last week that added up to big stress on my body.  So it wasn't the best of weeks.  And it was discouraging to feel like I was taking steps backwards.  But hopefully I can get back on track with proper nutrition and rest.
Abram dressed up Great Grandpa's Army gear.
Last week I finally decided we need to test my son for allergies.  I've been suspicious of something not being quite right for a long the past year.  But I didn't want to jump to conclusions.  So I waited.  But now there are just too many symptoms to ignore.  And he's getting more and more hives/red spots on his body.  So I called our ped last week.  I'll probably call an allergist this week.  I'm trying to figure out the best route to take.  For the moment I'm going to try to at least keep him gluten and nut free.

Here is the menu so far.  I'm still deciding what to make when we have company this weekend.  I'll fill that in when I figure it out.  Enjoy your first week of October.  Eet smakelijk!


S (prep lunch, soak flour, church, nap, prep smoothies, bake gf pumpkin bars)
  B - yogurt, granola, fruit
  L - cp applesauce chicken, rice, beans
  D - pizza (Justin), grilled ham and cheese (M/R/A)

M (make/can spaghetti sauce, make squash scones)
  B - smoothie, banana muffins
  D - gf spaghetti, corn

  B - yogurt, nuts, fruit, muffin
  D - (quick prep) - pan seared salmon, beans, buttered rice

W (bake muffins for MomBreak and Sat., milk)
  B - smoothie, muffin
  D - pork nuggets, peas, baked potato wedges

Th (clean, church mtg, make dessert for Fri/Sat, dance - observe)
  B - toast w/ pb, fruit
  D - (early/prep ahead) - cp broccoli and 3 cheese soup, bread or crackers

F (make egg dish for MomBreak, put chicken in cp, MB, soak oats, make granola, in-laws over)
  B - hard boiled egg, toast
  D - crockpot roasted chicken, seasoned rice, peas, applesauce
  Dessert - gf oreos

S (soccer, ballet, in-laws)
  B - yogurt, baked oatmeal, fruit
  L - chicken noodle soup, gf muffins
  D - meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, squash, salad, applesauce or fruit salad
  Dessert - dutch apple pie

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