
Sunday, September 30, 2012

End of Month Recap - September 2012

Wow, September sure went by quickly!  With the start of all of our fall activities we have been going, going, going.  It was busy, but fun.  Rebecca is loving preschool.  And it's good to see friends at Kindermusik and MomBreak again.  I did pretty well with my goals.  It helps when you don't make too many :)

1. Rebecca's Recipes - Rebecca has been doing her once a week meal.  I totally forgot about Saturdays.  Oops.

2. Food preservation - I started canning applesauce.  I froze squash, peppers and zucchini.

3. Family health - I've been trying to make sure we all get lots of nourishing food each day.


1. Supplements - I've been experimenting with various supplements.  At the moment I have a multi-vitamin, cod liver oil, magnesium, a multi-mineral supplement (verdict still out on it since it has soy...I'm experimenting) and a digestive aid.

2. Psychologist - I had another good appointment and have started to teach Rebecca some focus and calming techniques.  It'll take time for her to learn to use them effectively.



We had a blast at the American Girl tea party.  Rebecca loves preschool.  It's amazing how much Spanish she has learned in just a few weeks.  She walks around the house singing in Spanish.  So cute.  We're still working on meal times.  Some days are ok.  It just depends how wound up she is.  If she can't focus, she can't eat.


Abram is doing well with his speech, trying to repeat words we say.  His favorite thing to say lately is "tooooot" and then grunt.  Such a boy :P  He has also started eating better finally.  We learned that he wants to sit in a regular chair and eat off the table.  No baby stuff for him :P

a. Writing - I continue to enjoy my opportunities to write.  I'm actually back logged on my own blog since I had to get all of my paid assignments done.  Hopefully I'll catch up soon.
b. Purpose - I'm deinitely still working on this.  Lots of prayer.
c. Sewing/hobbies - I started making matching aprons for Rebecca, her doll and myself...but had to take a break to deal with canning applesauce and making my niece's baptism cake.  But making the cake is a hobby for it still meets my goal :)

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