
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Recycling Your Crayons

I recently saw a post on The Nourishing Gourmet for using crayon scraps to make new crayons.  So Rebecca and I tried it last week.  It was so easy!  And Rebecca loved it.  It's fun to use the new crayons.  We call them rainbow crayons.  You never know what color will show up :)

I don't have any fancy molds.  I just used paper muffin liners.  They worked very well.  The crayons came right out.  And I didn't have to worry about getting any of my pans messy or worry about toxins.

No more tossing all the broken pieces of crayons.  We'll recycle them and keep making new ones.
Recycled Crayons

Crayons, peeled of all paper
Ovenproof Mold or paper muffin cups

Heat oven to 350F.

Chop crayons into small pieces with a sharp knife (I didn't do this.  I just used them the way they were.)

Fill mold or cups with crayon pieces.

Place in oven to melt (about 5-10) minutes. Take out as soon as all of the crayon pieces are melted, otherwise they could burn.
Let cool. (After they are cool to the touch, I place in the freezer for about 10 minutes to speed up the process). Remove and repeat as desired!

1 comment:

  1. We have done this many times over the last few years. They are very fun! I had wanted to make some for Carson's party last year with my Lego molds, but never got around to it.
